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IN(3D)USTRY From Needs to Solutions | Additive & Advanced Manufacturing Global Hub 2017

03/10/2017 @ 09:30 - 05/10/2017 @ 18:30

Edition: 2nd
Frequency: Annual
Type: Professional
Telephone: +34 93 233 2000
Email: [email protected]

Dates IN(3D)USTRY From Needs to Solutions

October 3 -5 2017, Barcelona

Global Hub: Professional from Additive & Advanced
Manufacturing and industrial end-users


Tuesday to Thursday from 09:30 am to 6:30 pm


Access under invitation only by participating brands, or event organizers (visitors have to be in the list to access to pay the entry).

For more information on visiting this event, click here (link care sa duca la http://www.in3dustry.com/en/become-a-visitor )


03/10/2017 @ 09:30
Se termină:
05/10/2017 @ 18:30
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