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  • EIB and European Environment Agency deepen cooperation over biodiversity and climate action
    on 18/10/2024 at 08:15

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Environment Agency (EEA) will strengthen collaboration to promote climate action, environmental sustainability, and sustainable finance. In a new agreement, the EIB and the EEA pledged deeper cooperation in technical areas including biodiversity, climate adaptation, circular economy, and urban sustainability.

  • United in Ukraine’s Recovery: EC-EIB-UNDP partnership is driving reconstruction and building resilience
    on 16/10/2024 at 10:30

    International partners from the European Commission (EC), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and Ukrainian local authorities came together at the United in Ukraine’s Recovery conference in Brussels on October 15t, 2024. The gathering provided a vital platform for stakeholders to discuss the achievements of the EC-EIB-UNDP partnership, reflect on the challenges of reconstruction, and address the immediate needs of communities as Ukraine faces a difficult third winter in the midst of war.

  • EIB Group hosts the Grand Duchess of Luxembourg and Chékéba Hachemi for discussions on wartime sexual violence
    on 15/10/2024 at 13:00

    On 14 October 2024, the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group held an event for staff focused on tackling sexual violence in conflict zones. The EIB was honoured to welcome Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg, president of the association Stand Speak Rise Up!, and Ms. Chékéba Hachemi, former first female Afghan diplomat, women’s rights activist, and co-founder of the association, to its Luxembourg headquarters.

  • The Independent Accountability Network (IAMnet) 21st Annual meeting in Manila
    on 11/10/2024 at 13:00

    From 1-4 October 2024, the EIB Group’s Complaints Mechanism (EIBG-CM) participated in the 21st edition of the Annual Meeting of the Independent Accountability Mechanisms Network (IAMnet) held in Manila this year.

  • EIB and EIF Boards of Directors meet in Warsaw to discuss new financing initiatives and affirm solidarity in the aftermath of floods
    on 01/10/2024 at 16:45

    The Boards of Directors of the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF) gathered in Warsaw on 30 September and 1 October, to meet local authorities and discuss new initiatives and financing instruments that will help channel savings into productive investment for the benefit of Europe’s economies. In meetings with Polish officials, EIB Group President Nadia Calviño reiterated that the EU’s financial arm is ready to support reconstruction works in the aftermath of the recent catastrophic floods, and further scale up the financing for climate resilience projects in Poland and Central Europe.

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Phoneia Technology & curiosities

  • Life on Mars: How Would the Red Planet Transform Our Bodies?
    by Phoneia on 31/08/2024 at 15:31

    The Attraction to Mars and Its Challenges Mars has captured human imagination for centuries, not just as a mysterious red star in the night sky, but as a potential destination for humanity’s expansion beyond Earth. As our technology advances, the idea of colonizing Mars has shifted from science fiction fantasy to a serious goal for

  • Goodbye to Gaming GPUs? Nvidia Shifts Focus to AI
    by Phoneia on 30/08/2024 at 15:46

    Nvidia’s Shift: From Gaming to AI Nvidia, a company globally recognized for its leadership in graphics processing units (GPUs), has been a driving force in the video game industry for decades. However, in recent years, the company has begun to transform its focus, shifting attention from the gaming GPU market to the rapidly evolving field

  • Farewell to Handheld Consoles? The Revolution of Gaming on Mobile Phones
    by Phoneia on 28/08/2024 at 16:09

    Technological Evolution: The Quantum Leaps in Mobile Phone Power In recent years, we’ve witnessed an impressive transformation in mobile phone technology. What was once a simple device for making calls and sending text messages is now a powerful machine capable of running complex applications, advanced graphics, and games that rival handheld consoles. This article explores

  • The End of Google’s Reign? AI Prepares to Take Over Search
    by Phoneia on 26/08/2024 at 12:13

    The Evolution of Search Engines: Is Google Enough? Since its creation in 1998, Google has dominated the search engine market, establishing itself as the global benchmark for finding information on the internet. Its simple design, speed of response, and ability to deliver relevant results quickly made it an indispensable tool for millions of users worldwide.

  • ProtonVPN: The Best VPN on the Market? Discover Why It’s Heading Straight to the Top
    by Phoneia on 24/08/2024 at 13:24

    What is ProtonVPN? In a world where online privacy and security have become critical concerns, ProtonVPN stands out as a reliable solution for protecting your personal information while browsing the internet. But what exactly is ProtonVPN, and what makes it so special? To understand this, it’s important to know more about the company behind this

Energy Cities The European learning community for future-proof cities

  • Uncertainties for the community voucher model in the City of Poreč-Parenzo
    by Miriam Eisermann on 22/10/2024 at 13:12

    Gordana Lalić from the public agency Parentium gave us an update on how the administration is opening energy projects up to citizens. Gordana explains how uncertain the implementation of the city's unique and innovative "voucher model" has become. The post Uncertainties for the community voucher model in the City of Poreč-Parenzo appeared first on Energy Cities.

  • 3 questions to: The city of Ialoveni in Moldova
    by Miriam Eisermann on 18/10/2024 at 10:30

    Green energy and collective action have become one cornerstone of the city's strategy to become more resilient. Several initiatives led by local people with the support of development partners are ongoing. They include a kindergarten (power by a 20kW PV), street lighting and individual houses powered by the sun and insulated for higher comfort. Community energy is also meant to be driven more by the city administration itself. The post 3 questions to: The city of Ialoveni in Moldova appeared first on Energy Cities.

  • Banner – Energy Cities forum 2025
    by Admin EC on 18/10/2024 at 07:31

    The post Banner – Energy Cities forum 2025 appeared first on Energy Cities.

  • The battle for the European budget is in full swing
    by Claire Roumet on 17/10/2024 at 08:52

    The new Commission will be officially convened in early December but its President has already taken on the most burning issue of the upcoming mandate: The post The battle for the European budget is in full swing appeared first on Energy Cities.

  • Celebrating 35 years of connections at Energy Cities’ 2025 annual forum 
    by Alicia Funes Moro on 16/10/2024 at 09:36

    The 2025 annual forum of Energy Cities will be held in Besançon, on 8th, 9th and 10th April under the theme “Weaving connections”. The post Celebrating 35 years of connections at Energy Cities’ 2025 annual forum  appeared first on Energy Cities.

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Comunicate de Presa - Luxten Luxten Lighting Company

  • C.H.E.M.P. Negras 2
    on 29/04/2022 at 08:01

    S.C. LUXTEN LIGHTING COMPANY S.A. cu sediul in Bucuresti, Sector 1, str. Parangului nr. 76, anunța depunerea documentatiei tehnice in vederea obtinerii autorizatiei de mediu pentru obiectivul:  C.H.E.M.P. Negras 2, cu amplasamentul in: judetul Prahova, Comuna Valea Doftanei, Sat Traisteni. Documentele pot fi consultate la sediul APM Prahova, str. Gh. Gr. Cantacuzino nr. 306, de luni pana vineri, intre orele 09.00 si 15.00.

  • C.H.E.M.P. Negras 1
    on 29/04/2022 at 08:00

    S.C. LUXTEN LIGHTING COMPANY S.A. cu sediul in Bucuresti, Sector 1, str. Parangului nr. 76, anunța depunerea documentatiei tehnice in vederea obtinerii autorizatiei de mediu pentru obiectivul:  C.H.E.M.P. Negras 1, cu amplasamentul in: judetul Prahova, Comuna Valea Doftanei, Sat Traisteni. Documentele pot fi consultate la sediul APM Prahova, str. Gh. Gr. Cantacuzino nr. 306, de luni pana vineri, intre orele 09.00 si 15.00.

  • C.H.E.M.P. Traisteni 2
    on 29/04/2022 at 07:58

    S.C. LUXTEN LIGHTING COMPANY S.A. cu sediul in Bucuresti, Sector 1, str. Parangului nr. 76, anunța depunerea documentatiei tehnice in vederea obtinerii autorizatiei de mediu pentru obiectivul:  C.H.E.M.P. Traisteni 2, cu amplasamentul in: judetul Prahova, Comuna Valea Doftanei, Sat Traisteni. Documentele pot fi consultate la sediul APM Prahova, str. Gh. Gr. Cantacuzino nr. 306, de luni pana vineri, intre orele 09.00 si 15.00.

  • Decizia de incadrare a impactului asupra mediului
    on 03/04/2018 at 18:00

    Anunt public privind decizia de incadrare a impactului asupra mediului pentru: "Extindere instalatii electrice (casnic si iluminat public), Zona Selgros, Comuna Malu Mare, Jud. Dolj"

  • Asociatia ESCOROM a Societatilor de Servicii Energetice din Romania (ESCOROM) si Autoritatea Nationala de Reglementare in Domeniul Energiei, ANRE, au semnat un protocol de colaborare in scopul cresterii eficientei energetice
    on 02/04/2018 at 18:00

    Luxten Lighting Company SA este membru ESCOROM incepand din 2015 si membru in Consiliul Director din 2016, sprijind actiunile Asociatiei in domeniul eficientei energetice si promovarii celor mai moderne tehnologii si masuri specifice pentru atingerea tintelor nationale de reducere a consumului de energie electrica.

Schneider Electric Blog Global Specialist in Energy Management and Automation

  • How Data is Transforming Digital Customer Experience?
    by Audrey Hazak on 24/10/2024 at 12:34

    “Data really powers everything that we do”. This quote from Jeff Weiner couldn’t ring truer in my head. When I observe the digital landscape, data is the driving force behind the transformation of customer experience.I often ask myself: with this much information at our fingertips,... The post How Data is Transforming Digital Customer Experience? appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.

  • Innovative Ways Data Centers can Supplement Electricity from the Grid
    by Steven Carlini on 22/10/2024 at 12:00

    An electric utility has traditionally been defined as “a company that generates, transmits, and distributes electricity for public use.” Data center customers are public users, and their facilities are filled with IT equipment, power systems, and cooling systems that all run on electricity as the... The post Innovative Ways Data Centers can Supplement Electricity from the Grid appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.

  • Toward a sustainable future: Transform energy use across three key sectors
    by Olivier Blum on 19/10/2024 at 07:00

    Today’s energy demand continues to increase rapidly as a result of rising global population, economic growth and climate change. At the same time, 60% of global energy production is currently lost or wasted before it even reaches consumers. To meet the escalating demand, optimizing energy... The post Toward a sustainable future: Transform energy use across three key sectors appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.

  • The fascinating role of circuit breakers in our homes
    by Johanne Guigue on 18/10/2024 at 10:18

    In an era where our homes are increasingly powered by a multitude of electronic devices, one crucial component often goes unnoticed: the electrical panel. This unassuming device, tucked away in basements and utility closets, is undergoing a revolutionary transformation that promises to reshape how we... The post The fascinating role of circuit breakers in our homes appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.

  • Struggling to interpret your industrial operations data? It’s time for a smarter approach
    by Nathalie Parisel on 17/10/2024 at 19:07

    The ability to capture and interpret live data is essential to driving industrial operational efficiencies. However, until recently, only a tiny percentage of the data generated within plants and manufacturing sites has been isolated and leveraged to drive additional productivity. Even in today’s new era... The post Struggling to interpret your industrial operations data? It’s time for a smarter approach appeared first on Schneider Electric Blog.

Trilliant Discover the Power of Choice

CELTIC-NEXT Next Generation Telecommunications

  • Our new project ATTAC for an AuTomated TAx Compliance for Cross-border Trading with GRAN-IoT – held its kick-off meeting 8 and 9 October 2024!
    by Audrey Bienvenu on 09/10/2024 at 13:58

    The last 8th and 9th of October 2024, the AuTomated TAx Compliance for Cross-border Trading with GRAN-IoT (ATTACC) project held its Plenary Kickoff meeting in a hybrid mode with our CELTIC-NEXT Director. This first official meeting was the occasion to review and present all partners and work package duties. The 7 consortium members from UK, Turkiye and Israel are the following:Brunel University London, UK (coordinator) Planet Computers Ltd, UK RunEL NGMT, Israel Bewell Technology Industry & Trade Inc., Türkiye Vektora, Türkiye MNG Airlines, TürkiyeIn total this project total budget is up to 2710.3 K€, and its goal is to reduce administration burden on taxpayers in addition to being reliable and secure and move compliance upstream closer to taxable events. This project proposal demonstrates how this could be achieved through Generic Radio Access Network (GRAN)-IoT-enabled cross-border trading. This project seeks to reduce frictions in international trade that stem from data duplication and complex administrative processes to deliver an automated cross-border tax and customs compliance capability. This is achieved by tracking goods as they pass through the border with the use of GRAN-IoT-based localisation. GRAN-IoT sensors are attached to goods, pallets, unit load devices or containers, in a “Russian-Doll hierarchy” and announce landing to a GRAN situated at the point of entry in the destination country. The GRAN makes the system internationally compatible and viable as it can interoperate with multiple wireless technologies. Landing events notify a Logistics Tracking service which monitors supply chain flows and in turn notifies a Smart Data Service that aggregates tracking information. This information is shared with a Distributed Ledger Technology-based tax service which employs smart contracts to detect taxable events, calculate the right amount of tax and trigger tax payments to enforce compliance and make tax and trade effortless. The proposed infrastructure capability, namely AuTomated TAx Compliance for Cross-border Trading with GRAN-IoT (ATTACC) will be developed with Agile methodology and embrace iterative development and testing to deliver a working end-to-end communications infrastructure.

  • CELTIC-NEXT Autumn Call 2024 Proposers’ Brokerage Day – 18th September 2024 at Digital Catapult in London
    by Audrey Bienvenu on 18/09/2024 at 13:40

    Many thanks to all the proposers and presenters for joining and participating in the CELTIC-NEXT Proposers’ Brokerage Day in London for proposers interested in building CELTIC projects!On Wednesday, 18th September 2024, CELTIC-NEXT held its Proposers’ Brokerage Day for the Autumn Call 2024 at Digital Catapult in London. This event brought together innovators and experts to explore opportunities in next-generation communications that contribute to a sustainable digital society. Attendees were invited to engage with the CELTIC-NEXT Cluster and explore funding opportunities for groundbreaking R&D projects. The event featured keynotes, panels, and project pitches.In the morning, Dr. Dritan Kaleshi from SONIC Labs opened the day with a presentation on “5G and Digital Infrastructure SONIC Labs & UKTIN Founder” followed by Xavier Priem, Director of the CELTIC-NEXT Cluster who introduced the cluster. These presentations were followed by a keynote from Kostas Katsaros, Head of Technologies at Digital Catapult, on “Towards a sustainable connected world”. After that, participants gained insights into national funding opportunities, such as presentations from Innovate UK, CDTI Spain, and Bpifrance. To finish the first part of the morning, a panel moderated by Richard Foggie highlighted the business impacts of successful CELTIC projects. After the break and throughout the day, before and after lunch, the pitching session moderated by Christiane Reinsch, CELTIC-NEXT Project Coordinator, was the occasion for 11 project proposers to pitch their new project ideas, offering them visibility and potential future collaboration. After the rest of the pitches in the afternoon, a networking time was organised for attendees to network with national funding authorities and project proposers to foster collaboration. The event concluded with a guided tour of Future Networks and SONIC Labs, offering a closer look at the innovations driving the future of communications.The deadline for submitting proposals for the Autumn Call 2024 is 21 October 2024, with proposal notifications to be issued by 5 December 2024. By participating in the CELTIC-NEXT Call, organizations can access national public funding to support their R&D efforts in next-generation communications. All 11 Pitching session with new project ideas can be found HERE. Apply now! Learn more about the Autumn Call 2024!

  • Launch Event of the CELTIC-NEXT Autumn Call 2024
    by Audrey Bienvenu on 23/07/2024 at 06:04

    CELTIC-NEXT is pleased to have held its online Launch Event on Tuesday 23 July 2024 from 9:30 am to 11:00 am CEST for the Autumn Call 2024! This Launch Event was an excellent place to meet the CELTIC-NEXT Office and learn about the programme’s success and the next opportunities! As usual, this bottom-up call is the occasion to enable projects in the field of next-generation communications for the digital society that contribute to a sustainable world. By applying and participating in the CELTIC-NEXT Call, your organisation can access national public funding for your R&D project. The first steps to prepare your proposal were explained, such as creating a Proposal Portal account and using the Brokerage Tool to find partners and share ideas. Watch the recording on our YouTube Channel AGENDACESTAGENDA9:30Welcome Introduction to EUREKA and CELTIC-NEXT CELTIC-NEXT SRIA & Topics of Interest10:00Practical Guidance The CELTIC-NEXT Brokerage Tool Proposal preparation and submission process10:30Questions and Answers Session (Please use the chat to raise your questions)11:00Close of session CELTIC-NEXT Proposers' Brokerage Day announcementAutumn Call 2024 Key DatesOpening 1 July 2024Online Launch Event 23 July 2024Proposers Brokerage Day (in-person) 18 September 2024Deadline for Proposals 21 October 2024Labels Notifications 5 December 2024 Stay informed by subscribing to our newsletter

  • CELTIC 21st Anniversary Celebration at the Berlin 6G Conference 2024 -2nd to 4th July 2024
    by Audrey Bienvenu on 04/07/2024 at 12:21

    CELTIC 21st Anniversary Celebration at the Berlin 6G Conference 2024 And its a wrap up of the CELTIC-NEXT 21st Anniverssary co-located with the Berlin 6G Platform Event at BCC in Berlin between the 2nd and 4th of July 2024! On the morning of the 2nd of July 2024, CELTIC-NEXT celebrated its 21 years of existence on the scene of international cooperation fostering innovation in the ICT domain and its application verticals. During this day, opening keynotes were organised including a welcome keynote by the Chairman David Kennedy, followed by the Canadian VIP David Lisk on the Eureka Joint Presidentship. Then the Eureka Chair Dr Rudolf Haggenmueller did a keynote to celebrate Eureka in CELTIC, followed by the BMBF Ministry delegate Frau Dr Tina Kluwer. All these high-level speakers from BMBF, Eureka and the Industry shared the floor of the plenary auditorium and express themselves on CELTIC, its great achievements and their vision of its future. The session was followed by a Panel discussion on “Future Persuasive Networks – and how to build them” moderated by David Kennedy, CELTIC-NEXT Chairman. This panel discuss the visions shared by 5 panellists:Mr Engelbert Beyer (BMBF, Dept 51), Mikko A. Uusitalo (Coordinator 6G Flagship Hexa-X II), Johannes Springer (DTAG), Maria Guta (ESA), Hans Schotten (6G Platform Germany)The context of the discussion was the following:During the last 5 years, the Communications network, because of Corona and other factors, became recognised as a facilitator for changing not just how we work – but as a core enabler for a whole new structure of our lives.   The new era communications networks will be pervasive, providing everything to everyone at any time – for the traveller, it will be continuous connectivity, for the remote worker, it will be additional processing, for the home entertainment, it will high quality throughput at a low price and for the professional sectors, it will be a combination of processing, AI, low latency, low power and edge computing as and where they need it. The question is how will this be provided? Clearly the new network must be highly software based and infinitely customisable. It must be flexible and easily repurposed and or expandable. In fact, it must be intelligent and capable of learning how to supply what the users want before even they themselves know. And it must be cost/resources and power efficient. And fully automatised while secure and trustable because it remains explainable and controllable. After that a CELTIC-NEXT Awards Ceremony was organised, rewarding 3 projects in the fields of green networking, applications & services and outstanding innovation. We wrote a dedicated article on this occasion available here. CELTIC-NEXT Awards Ceremony at the CELTIC 21st Anniversary Celebration at Berlin 6G Conference On the 2nd of July in the afternoon session, the AI-NET Flagship held its Closure Event where were summarized the challenges and key achievements of the CELTIC ambitious European initiative, launched in mid-2021 with the support of the public authorities of Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, UK, and Poland, and with more than 90 partners from industry (both large and SME), RTOs and academia.

  • Three Winners at the CELTIC 21st Anniversary Celebration at Berlin 6G Conference
    by Christiane Reinsch on 04/07/2024 at 11:59

    At the CELTIC 21st Anniversary Ceremony co-located with the Berlin 6G Platform Event at BCC in Berlin, Germany on 2nd of July 2024, 3 projects won the CELTIC award for

University of Bristol - All news Latest news from the University of Bristol

Cisco Newsroom: Top Stories and Press Releases Cisco's Latest Top Stories and Press Releases

Big Data Europe Your personal crypto database

  • 1INCH Price Prediction 2025
    by Sophia on 24/03/2022 at 10:01

    What would be our price prediction of 1inch in five years? Because of demand growth in the cryptocurrency market in previous years, traders had grown progressively widespread and would like to understand the information for the following common queries: Is 1INCH a worthwhile investment? How much is one-inch value in 2025? How much is that The post 1INCH Price Prediction 2025 appeared first on Big Data Europe.

  • Aave Price Prediction 2022-2026: Will It Skyrocket?
    by Sophia on 23/03/2022 at 10:38

    What is Aave Price Prediction in 2026? Where will Aave be in the next five years? The AAVE token valuation has been falling since about 2022, reaching a 90-day drop of $131.98 on January 24. At the time of posting (February 2), AAVE was operating at $159.86, down and over 76% from its all-time peak The post Aave Price Prediction 2022-2026: Will It Skyrocket? appeared first on Big Data Europe.

  • Binance Coin Price Forecast 2030: The Future It Holds
    by Sophia on 23/03/2022 at 10:13

    What is a Binance Coin? Is Binance Coin a good investment? Learn in this article about the expert price forecast for Binance Coin and what the future holds in 2030. Binance Coin had a hugely successful year in 2019. Whereas the coin slowed slightly in the second period of the year, it gained a significant The post Binance Coin Price Forecast 2030: The Future It Holds appeared first on Big Data Europe.

  • Quant Price Prediction 2025 | Making it to the Top
    by Sophia on 22/03/2022 at 17:29

    Basics of QNT: Quant Coin and the Quant Network Launched in June 2018, Quant has a primary goal of fully intent on associating blockchains and networks worldwide, without diminishing the proficiency and interoperability of the organisation.  QNT is an Ethereum token for controlling Quant Network’s Overledger image of big business programming arrangements, which plan to The post Quant Price Prediction 2025 | Making it to the Top appeared first on Big Data Europe.

  • CRV Price Prediction 2030 | Will it Soar Heights?
    by Sophia on 17/03/2022 at 19:36

    Several cost forecasts from crypto specialists were investigated to help in evaluating how CRV will take off in the following ten years. The post CRV Price Prediction 2030 | Will it Soar Heights? appeared first on Big Data Europe.

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Cisco Newsroom: Press Releases Cisco's Latest Press Releases

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MSPoweruser Microsoft and Technology News

  • Best AI Audio Enhancer: Top 10 Solutions [Free & Paid]
    by Keelan Balderson on 24/10/2024 at 13:49

    The best AI audio enhancer software will help you improve the quality of audio recordings, making them sound professional and polished. But with so many products making bold promises, which is the right one for you? I got hands-on with over 20 tools and narrowed them down to the top ten, based on features, ease The post Best AI Audio Enhancer: Top 10 Solutions [Free & Paid] appeared first on MSPoweruser.

  • Claude 3.5 Sonnet’s “Computer use” feature honestly sounds really freaky
    by Rafly Gilang on 24/10/2024 at 13:06

    Claude 3.5 Sonnet has a new beta feature called "Computer use," which lets you control your computer like nothing else. The post Claude 3.5 Sonnet’s “Computer use” feature honestly sounds really freaky appeared first on MSPoweruser.

  • Podcastle Review: Can It Simplify Podcast Production?
    by Vladan Cetojevic on 24/10/2024 at 12:52

    In this Podcastle review, I’ll show you all the core features that (maybe) make it one of the most simple yet effective platforms for podcast production. If you’ve never made a podcast, you can also find a useful tutorial on how to do it with Podcastle. I’ve also included a breakdown of pricing (you can The post Podcastle Review: Can It Simplify Podcast Production? appeared first on MSPoweruser.

  • DirectSR, still in preview, now supports AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution 3.1 upscaler
    by Rafly Gilang on 24/10/2024 at 12:18

    Microsoft’s DirectSR API now supports AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) 3.1 for DirectX 12 game developers. The post DirectSR, still in preview, now supports AMD’s FidelityFX Super Resolution 3.1 upscaler appeared first on MSPoweruser.

  • Can Windows 11 24H2 run on older PCs? Microsoft says maybe
    by Rafly Gilang on 24/10/2024 at 11:42

    Microsoft says that Windows 11 24H2 drops CPU usage dramatically by up to 25% during monthly security updates The post Can Windows 11 24H2 run on older PCs? Microsoft says maybe appeared first on MSPoweruser.

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All News Releases A wide array of domestic and global news stories; news topics include politics/government, business, technology, religion, sports/entertainment, science/nature, and health/lifestyle. Articles that appear in this section may be written in English or other languages.

Fraunhofer Research News Fraunhofer Research News

  • Fighting Forest Fires More Efficiently from the Air
    on 01/10/2024 at 15:52

    Whether in Canada, California or around the Mediterranean — forest fires are becoming more frequent and, above all, more severe around the world. Especially in summer, heat, drought and wind often turn such fires into raging infernos, and the climate crisis is certainly not helping. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI, and start-up CAURUS Technologies GmbH are responding to the increasing global threat. Together, they are developing an innovative extinguishing method that can be used to fight large-scale fires more efficiently from the air.

  • Automated Pheromone Traps for Forest Pest Moths
    on 01/10/2024 at 15:52

    Despite being widely popular, moths, and their larvae in particular, are not always welcome in forests, parks and gardens. Some moth species constitute a real threat to forests when they appear en masse. In the past, they have stripped entire deciduous and coniferous stands bare in many places in Germany. Forest pest monitoring is consequently particularly important to track their reproduction and to protect forests from greater damage. Research scientist from the Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF are developing a digital, automated pheromone trap together with the Nordwestdeutsche Forstliche Versuchsanstalt in the DiMoTrap project which could significantly reduce the labor of hitherto complex manual monitoring for forest protection.

  • Digitalized, Sustainable Battery Cell Production
    on 01/10/2024 at 15:52

    The further development and evolution of existing storage systems is a key prerequisite for the energy transition. The Center for Digitalized Battery Cell Manufacturing (ZDB) at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA and acp systems AG have joined forces to commission a winding system for cylindrical battery cells featuring flexible formats and design. It serves as an innovative research and production platform to test new cell formats and components along with tab designs and also enables development of large-format cells for future battery technologies. The winding system is the first of its kind in the world. It is embedded in an automated, digitalized battery cell production infrastructure.

  • Prof. Miriam Unterlass Appointed New Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC
    on 01/10/2024 at 12:00

    On October 1, Prof. Miriam Unterlass is taking over as the director of the re-nowned Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC in Würzburg. Having previously taught at the University of Konstanz and TU Wien, the chemist and materials scientist is bringing her expertise in the synthesis of new functional materials to enrich the portfolio of Fraunhofer ISC and the University of Würzburg, where she will hold the Chair for Chemical Technology of Materials Synthesis.

  • Soda Manufacturing with Double Climate Bonus
    on 01/10/2024 at 00:00

    Fraunhofer researchers and their partners have developed an innovative and eco-friendly method of producing soda, essential for a wide range of industries, in the Green Soda project. The process is based on bipolar electrodialysis of brine. Ion exchange processes and the addition of carbon dioxide result in green soda. The technology will also help to strengthen manufacturing in Germany as an industrial location.

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SmarterBetterCities Decisions at your fingertips.

  • Harvard Integrates 3D Campus Maps with ArcGIS and CloudCities
    by mvdb on 28/10/2015 at 08:20

    Harvard University has several campuses in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and the neighboring city of Boston, plus footprints around the state and in multiple international locations. In total, Harvard manages 660 buildings that give its 21,000 students and more than 16,000 faculty and staff access to the university’s renowned working environments. Stepping into the online world required...

  • Using 3D City Libraries in Game Engines
    by mvdb on 22/10/2015 at 08:26

    This post aims to introduce both the advantages and ease to which CityEngine can be used for varying forms of media. This includes a step-­by-­step tutorial on bringing models created in CityEngine to three popular platforms; Unity, Unreal Engine, and LumenRT. From providing a haunted setting in the latest nightmare­-inducing horror flick to bringing exotic...

  • Which 3D format should CloudCities support next?
    by mvdb on 09/09/2015 at 17:04

      Soon we will open up CloudCities to support multiple 3D web scene and 3D exchange formats. Please help us decide which formats to support first!   Which 3D format should CloudCities support next?   If you don’t find your preferred 3D format, please shoot us an email at [email protected]!

  • CloudCities released – A 3D YouTube For Your Smart City
    by mvdb on 17/07/2015 at 14:39

    Press Release – SmarterBetterCities, Redlands, CA, July 17, 2015 Today SmarterBetterCities has announced the public release of CloudCities ( “CloudCities puts your city at your fingertips, making complex decisions easier, smarter and a lot more magical. It’s an ever-growing family of innovative cloud apps that lets you design, monitor and manage your city right from...

  • Meet us in San Diego (July 18 to July 23)
    by mvdb on 17/07/2015 at 08:52

      This is our third year at the Esri User Conference. Pick the brains of our team for answers and get amazing demonstrations. We will be at the a) Esri 3D Mapping Forum, b) Esri Business Summit, and c) Esri UC – GIS Solutions Expo. Here are the coordinates:   Esri 3D Mapping Forum Omni...

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ORNL News Releases From Oak Ridge National Laboratory

  • Two ORNL quantum research papers selected for editor’s choice list
    by [email protected] on 23/10/2024 at 17:31

    Two ORNL quantum research papers selected for editor’s choice [email protected] Wed, 10/23/2024 - 13:31Two papers led by researchers from ORNL received “Editor’s Choice” awards from the journal Future Generation Computer Systems. Both papers explored the possibilities of integrating quantum computing with high performance computing.Read more about Two ORNL quantum research papers selected for editor’s choice list

  • Researchers use Summit to track down nuclear fission’s elusive scission neutron
    by [email protected] on 23/10/2024 at 16:28

    Researchers use Summit to track down nuclear fission’s elusive scission [email protected] Wed, 10/23/2024 - 12:28Researchers used the Summit supercomputer at ORNL to answer one of fission’s big questions: What exactly happens during the nucleus’s “neck rupture” as it splits in two? Scission neutrons have been theorized to be among those particles emitted during neck rupture, although their exact characteristics have been debated due to a lack of conclusive experimental evidence of their existence.Read more about Researchers use Summit to track down nuclear fission’s elusive scission neutron

  • Sending clear signals: Cooke bridges academia, industry in ORNL-Tennessee Tech collaboration
    by [email protected] on 21/10/2024 at 14:28

    Sending clear signals: Cooke bridges academia, industry in ORNL-Tennessee Tech [email protected] Mon, 10/21/2024 - 10:28ORNL researcher Corey Cooke investigates challenges in radar, digital signal processing and communications systems while serving as a joint faculty member at Tennessee Tech, teaching online courses and advising graduate students to create a pipeline for new researchers to the lab and support the growth of current staff.Read more about Sending clear signals: Cooke bridges academia, industry in ORNL-Tennessee Tech collaboration

  • Plant CO2 uptake rises by nearly one third in new global estimates
    by [email protected] on 18/10/2024 at 16:16

    Plant CO2 uptake rises by nearly one third in new global [email protected] Fri, 10/18/2024 - 12:16Plants the world over are absorbing about 31% more carbon dioxide than previously thought. The research, detailed in the journal Nature, is expected to improve Earth system simulations that scientists use to predict the future climate, and spotlights the importance of natural carbon sequestration for greenhouse gas mitigation.Read more about Plant CO2 uptake rises by nearly one third in new global estimates

  • Trillion Pixel Challenge workshop explores digital twins, foundational AI models
    by [email protected] on 17/10/2024 at 17:06

    Trillion Pixel Challenge workshop explores digital twins, foundational AI [email protected] Thu, 10/17/2024 - 13:06ORNL and NASA co-hosted the fourth iteration of this invitation-only event, which brings together geospatial, computational, data and engineering experts around a theme. This year’s gathering focused on how artificial intelligence foundation models can enable geospatial digital twins.Read more about Trillion Pixel Challenge workshop explores digital twins, foundational AI models

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  • How to secure a bigger attack surface in a changing IT landscape
    by Elaine sherman on 17/10/2024 at 19:07

    How to secure a bigger attack surface in a changing IT landscapeElaine shermanThu, 10/17/2024 - 19:07Changing work habits and a growing digital landscape have significantly expanded the assets and data organizations need to manage and protect. These assets and critical data are spread across various environments inside and outside the traditional network perimeter, making it harder to maintain security with limited resources. What can you do? External Attack Surface Management (EASM) is the answer. Changing work habits and a growing digital landscape have significantly expanded the assets and data organizations need to manage and protect. These assets and critical data are spread across various environments inside and outside the traditional network perimeter, making it harder to maintain security with limited resources. What can you do? External Attack Surface Management (EASM) is the answer.Like many businesses, you’ve embraced cloud, IoT and hybrid working and probably also found that you need a more evolved approach to cybersecurity. You have more users working in more spaces, more devices and assets in more locations, and more data in more places. With significant changes to your network perimeter, more SaaS applications and cloud storage, and a growing reliance on third-party ecosystem apps, your attack surface has expanded considerably. In other words, you are more exposed as a target for malicious actors to hit and inflict damage.Meanwhile, the types and frequency of attacks have increased. Phishing techniques, for example, have continued to grow in sophistication. AI is being used by attackers to make them more convincing than ever and to increase the scale and automation of attacks. According to Orange Cyberdefense Security Navigator 2024, there was a 30% increase year-on-year in detected cybersecurity incidents, with end-user devices the most impacted asset at 28%. The past year saw the highest number of cyber extortion victims ever, with an increase of 46% worldwide and a geographical shift towards Asia Pacific and EMEA.Traditional cybersecurity is no longer enoughSecurity testing must be customized to every organization’s needs, risks and resources. While approaches vary, three fundamental principles remain consistent: testing everything, ensuring accuracy to minimize false positives, and conducting frequent tests – ideally weekly – are required to achieve full coverage and maintain effectiveness.On average, companies use 53 security tools, consisting of a mix of commercial and open-source solutions. However, these tools often fall short in terms of coverage, accuracy and frequency. Overextending these tools to stretch budgets leads to more work, less value and a false sense of security.Orange Cyberdefense finds that vulnerability scanning covers only about 60-70% of known assets, while penetration testing offers even less coverage, as it typically focuses on high-value assets. Vulnerability scanners are helpful but notorious for generating false positives due to their reliance on unvalidated CPE and CVE mappings. Penetration testing, while more accurate because it’s human-validated, is limited in scope, time-consuming, and dependent on the expertise of those conducting tests. Moreover, pen testing is typically carried out periodically, focusing on predefined IP ranges and web servers, which leaves gaps in areas like shadow IT, SaaS and cloud environments. Traditional methods often only address around 30% of an organization’s attack surface, leaving 70% untested and vulnerable.While the attack surface continues to grow, traditional cybersecurity methods are no longer sufficient for keeping all your external-facing assets safe. Attackers don’t work to the same schedule as you do – they’re constantly evolving their techniques and launching attacks continuously. So, annual, quarterly and even monthly assurance activities aren’t enough to keep up with the rate of change in the frequency and tactics of bad actors. This is where External Attack Surface Management (EASM) comes in.What is EASM and how does it help?EASM is the practice of identifying potential vulnerabilities and security gaps in your public-facing digital attack surface. It’s a more proactive and continuous approach that works as hard to keep your assets safe as your attackers do to try and do you harm.EASM works continuously to discover and map your entire digital attack surface, identifying the boundaries of your public-facing IT assets. It provides an attacker’s view of your external attack surface using real-world reconnaissance techniques, so you can see your assets just as the attackers would. Through a combination of ongoing techniques including penetration testing, vulnerability assessments, red teaming, zero-day hunts and automated scanning, EASM continuously assesses your perimeter and asset ecosystem for vulnerabilities and risks. And thanks to real-time insights and continuous monitoring, you gain immediate visibility and remediation of potential threats across your IT estate. This ensures a constantly updated view of your external attack surface, offers enhanced protection and minimizes the risk of exploitation.This approach also helps to meet forthcoming legislation that requires a more proactive cybersecurity model. In Australia, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), which regulates financial services, recently released a Practice Guide ahead of the Prudential Standard CPS 230, which will come into effect on July 1, 2025. CPS 230 focuses on operational risk management, and the legislation presents an opportunity for companies to establish a continuous posture like EASM.Singapore has similar regulations from the Monetary Authority of Singapore, as does Hong Kong, and it’s likely that comparable regulations will follow in more industries.Orange Cyberdefense is your expert EASM partnerOrange Cyberdefense EASM combines our world-class security expertise with data analysis at scale to give you a comprehensive security posture designed for today’s bigger attack surface. In addition to our in-house expertise, we deploy a platform called watchTowr that uses advanced adversary tactics and real-time reconnaissance to provide an attacker’s view of your external attack surface. watchTowr assesses your entire digital footprint, including shadow IT, unknown SaaS platforms, IoT, cloud environments, infrastructure providers, subsidiaries and more.We also integrate EASM with advanced security solutions like Zero Trust architecture and employ AI and machine learning (ML) to evaluate threat information and vulnerability data. This gives you a risk score for each asset. Our proactive and risk-based approach is designed to reduce potential threats to your attack surface and ensure the most severe threats are addressed first, improving your overall security posture.Gartner has identified attack surface management as an emerging technology space and reported, “Organisations have to manage a growing attack surface as their technological environments become increasingly complex and dispersed, both on-premises and in the cloud.”Orange Cyberdefense EASM gives you expanded visibility of your asset estate, continuous assurance and identification of vulnerabilities, and rapid reaction to potential threats. Our EASM gives you the power to see the gaps and risks in your attack surface that you might not be aware of and protect them before they can be exploited. Worry not with EASM and make it the next essential component of your organization’s cybersecurity strategy.To learn how Orange Cyberdefense can help you protect a larger attack surface in APAC and beyond, or about our other cybersecurity solutions, please visit Orange Cyberdefense.Recommended for youWhen cyber extortion spares no one Orange Cyberdefense rated a major player Bank & insurance Manufacturing Public sector Resources and energy Transport Blogs Mohamed Shawara Business Continuity');" href="#" data-taxo="1052"> Business Continuity Security');" href="#" data-taxo="1023"> Security

  • The changing paradigm of employee experience
    by Elaine sherman on 07/10/2024 at 17:49

    The changing paradigm of employee experienceElaine shermanMon, 10/07/2024 - 17:49In recent years, the idea of employee experience has really taken off. While customer experience was previously emphasized a lot, we are now seeing a big shift. Companies are realizing just how important it is to focus on their employees, too, which has made employee experience one of the main pillars for most organizations.Allow me to share some thoughts on how things are changing and what makes a great work environment. In recent years, the idea of employee experience has really taken off. While customer experience was previously emphasized a lot, we are now seeing a big shift. Companies are realizing just how important it is to focus on their employees, too, which has made employee experience one of the main pillars for most organizations. Allow me to share some thoughts on how things are changing and what makes a great work environment.Personalization and hyper-personalizationTo make work better for everyone, companies are starting to get personal. The old one-size-fits-all approach just doesn't cut it anymore. By understanding what each employee needs and wants, companies can create a more engaging and connected workplace.A holistic approachCreating a positive employee experience means looking at the bigger picture. Besides understanding what employees need, it is also about offering a supportive environment, building trust and investing in their growth and well-being. Regular feedback, flexible work options and career opportunities are all part of the mix.Embracing technologyWith the younger generation’s tech-savviness, companies are integrating digital tools for communication, collaboration and learning. This not only makes things more efficient but also meets the expectations of today's workforce.Work-life integrationThe old idea of work-life balance is evolving into work-life integration. Employees want to blend their personal and professional lives seamlessly. By offering flexible work policies like remote work and flexible hours, companies can support this integration and promote a healthier lifestyle.Focus on skill development and growthEmployees today are all about continuous learning and growth. Skills are the new “currency” as cited in this World Economic Forum report; while it has been apparently conveyed by leaders that the new generation changes an average of five careers over several years compared to the past where people changed up to five jobs in their lifetimes. Employees want meaningful work and clear paths for advancement. Unlearn, learn, relearn is the new mantra for growth. Companies that invest in their development will have an advantage in attracting and retaining top talent.Diversity and inclusionDiversity and inclusion are more important than ever. By creating an inclusive environment, companies can benefit from diverse perspectives and experiences, leading to greater innovation and collaboration. Diversity is not just about meeting KPIs; it’s a culture to be created and embraced.Feedback and recognition cultureRegular feedback and recognition are key to a positive employee experience. The younger generations, like Gen Z, value ongoing feedback and acknowledgment. By fostering a culture of feedback and recognition, companies can boost morale and motivation.The power of purposeEmployees want to feel connected to something bigger than just a job. A strong sense of purpose can align their passions with their work, creating a sense of fulfillment and engagement.Changing gears: “Then” and “Now”The concept of employee experience has changed a lot over time. Here's a quick look at how things have evolved:Work-life balance to work-life integration: Harmonizing personal and professional lives Basic benefits to holistic well-being: Physical, mental and emotional aspects Top-down to open communication: Regular and ongoing feedback Role-based to skill-based hiring: Employees seeking career changes, not just job changes Gender diversity to overall inclusion: Embracing all forms of diversity and weaving an inclusive culture, where everyone feels that they belong and are valued Power and hierarchy to participation and accountability: From control to autonomy, and from perfection to continuous improvement. Agile practices and design authority are bringing in value Fixed mindset to growth mindset: To continuously evolve, to learn from failures, criticism and mistakes vs only learning from achievementsThese changes reflect what today's workforce needs and expects. Companies that adapt will be better at attracting, engaging and retaining top talent, driving their success.ConclusionEmployee experience is a game-changer in the business world. Prioritizing employee well-being and satisfaction isn't just the right thing to do—it's a strategic move. By investing in employee experience, companies can enjoy higher engagement, better talent attraction and retention, and overall improved performance.Remember, "Take care of your employees, and they will take care of your business."Recommended for youGenAI in transforming HR and employee enablement Automotive Bank & insurance Health Manufacturing Public sector Resources and energy Retail Technology and business services Tourism and personal services Transport Blogs Ruchi Mago Ruchi Mago is a dynamic HR leader with nearly 20 years of transformative experience across all facets of human resources. As part of the Global HR leadership team at Orange Business, she currently heads Human Resources and Employee Experience for India and serves as the APAC Diversity Lead. Ruchi has driven numerous global initiatives, including building a Center of Excellence for Talent Acquisition and establishing GCCs in India and Malaysia. In her spare time, Ruchi enjoys walking and trekking with a love for nature, as well as immersing herself in different cultures and discovering new cuisines. Collaboration');" href="#" data-taxo="1016"> Collaboration

  • Plotting a route to customer experience success
    by Elaine sherman on 18/09/2024 at 14:57

    Plotting a route to customer experience successElaine shermanWed, 09/18/2024 - 14:57Many organizations think they are customer-centric, but while individual functions can be customer focused, the result can be disconnected and frustrating for customers without joined-up thinking. A clear picture of your customer experience (CX) maturity is essential to becoming a world-class-experience business. Many organizations think they are customer-centric, but while individual functions can be customer focused, the result can be disconnected and frustrating for customers without joined-up thinking. A clear picture of your customer experience (CX) maturity is essential to becoming a world-class-experience business.Who in your organization knows your customers best? Is it your leadership, customer experience professionals, sales and marketing, or frontline workers? I’m sure we would get different answers if we asked each of those groups. Most likely, they’d all claim that they know the customer best.Let’s look at this positively: if you have that response, at least everyone is focused on the customer. As CX professionals, we know that is often half the battle. Getting an organization to think customer-first is a major challenge.Yet I’ve seen many companies say they’re customer-centric but fail to deliver the joined-up experience that keeps people coming back.When CX isn’t connectedDon’t believe me? There was an e-commerce company that had a lot of returns on a single product. The costs were hitting profitability, impacting wider customer satisfaction scores. The CX team had a look at the data but couldn’t see what was triggering the returns. They did many tests, but the buying experience was strong; there weren’t many abandoned carts or payment issues. There were no clear indications as to why the product kept getting sent back.Eventually they turned to the contact center teams, who knew exactly what the problem was: the product images on the website showed an item with no wires, so customers thought it was wireless. When they received it, they were disappointed to see that it had wires that were needed to make it work. They sent it back because this wasn’t what they were looking for.Each stage of the buying process had been optimized to deliver a great experience: the product images were very high-end, there were no problems with checking out, and the company had a great team that could help customers with problems. Every individual stage was customer-centric. What was lacking was the joined-up thinking that would have first identified that the images customers saw didn’t accurately reflect what they would receive and, second, integrated feedback from frontline teams to wider operations.Convincing decision makers to actFrustratingly, it often takes an issue like this to reveal a disconnect. And if there’s one, there’s likely to be others.And it can have far-reaching consequences. Consumers increasingly buy directly – 63% say they buy directly from a brand’s website, with 29% saying they are considering it. So brands have to be set up to deliver exceptional CX.Yet taking that to decision makers and convincing them that more needs to be done can be difficult. Many businesses understand the value of great CX; it’s not from a lack of investment or trying that they’re not yet delivering it. In fact, it’s often because of that investment that they’re less keen to change anything.There’s also another factor – the scale and pace of technological change. We’re seeing this with artificial intelligence. Customers are aware of the latest trends, and when it comes to AI, they increasingly expect that businesses are using it to give frontline agents all the information they need. This can create a disconnect, as we saw with the example before: despite the investment in chatbots, the channel didn’t deliver the solution, and it became apparent that the fault lay in the gap between the content available to buyers and internal business processes.What’s happening is that due to a lack of understanding of CX's connected nature, businesses are not getting the most out of their investment; they’ve bought a Ferrari, and they’re driving it like a Lada.So how do we, as CX professionals, get our organizations not just to realize they have to be more customer-centric but to actually deliver?Understanding your CX maturity levelsIt starts by knowing where you are in your CX journey. So often, I see businesses that, for all their professed customer focus, are at very different levels of maturity within their organization. For instance, sales and marketing might believe they know everything about the customer, while customer service (CS) may also think that.Yet, if the two functions never talk, how does anyone know what data sales and marketing holds versus what customer service has? It could well be that sales and marketing’s knowledge has gaps that the customer team can fill, or vice versa, such as in the example before. But you won’t know that until you clearly understand your maturity levels.That’s why undertaking a maturity assessment can be so valuable to your CX journey. It can give you a snapshot of where you are and quickly identify problem areas. If you build it into a regular process, it can become a way of tracking progression and giving you a framework for continuous improvement.When you do that, you’re looking to answer three main questions:1. What is our CX maturity level 2. What are our areas of improvement? 3. What support do we need to achieve that improvement?What’s more, it doesn’t have to be expensive to implement or require a lot of work. An initial, quick assessment can highlight challenges and allow you to start thinking about priorities.To answer those three questions, you should take a deeper dive. That could focus on specific domains, such as strategy and culture, data and insights, technology, experience management, and customer relationships. It will depend on where your initial challenges are, but it will mean you can get to the heart of the problem and work out how you fix the issues.What’s important to remember is that you’re not just assessing the tools with which you deliver CX but also the people, processes, data and technology that underpins it all. This isn’t about whether you’re getting a return on an investment in a new customer relationship management system but how mature each element of your CX operation is. You might have customer-focused people who can’t access the data they need to deliver the appropriate service levels or an IT infrastructure stuck in the early 21st century. If you want to build a world-class-experience business, you’ve got to have each part focused on delivering great CX.How you conduct these assessments will depend on your organization. Some businesses run them regularly internally, but that requires dedicated resources. Most organizations are so focused on the day-to-day that having the time to stop and think about a maturity assessment is a luxury. That’s where working with an outside partner can help; in addition to having experience running these programs for other companies, they often also have external perspectives to help you make sense of the outcomes.Taking the first step in your CX journeyMaturity assessments are the start of your journey to delivering joined-up CX, but they are a crucial first step. They will give you the data to demonstrate that improvements are needed and a route to success. This is critical to securing senior buy-in and getting the whole organization to not just think about customer-centricity, but actually be it.Orange Business draws on its significant knowledge to help customers assess their maturity levels and identify opportunities to deliver exceptional experiences. Get in touch to learn how we can help you conduct a maturity assessment and kick-start your journey to greater levels of customer-centricity.Recommended for youBuilding a customer experience hub with customer journey analytics From frustration to understanding the impact of CX Automotive Bank & insurance Health Manufacturing Public sector Resources and energy Retail Technology and business services Tourism and personal services Transport Blogs Karin Aalberts Karin is Head of CX & EX Digital Business Consulting and Innovation in Europe for Orange Business. Having previously worked at Philips and Shimano, she's a digital transformation expert and has helped some of the world's leading companies revolutionize how they interact with customers and deliver exceptional experiences. Customer Experience');" href="#" data-taxo="1018"> Customer Experience Digital Transformation');" href="#" data-taxo="1019"> Digital Transformation

  • Operational experience maturity assessment tool
    by Elaine sherman on 13/09/2024 at 17:36

    Operational experience maturity assessment toolElaine shermanFri, 09/13/2024 - 17:36Calculate your operational experience maturity for peak efficiency and growth. Calculate your operational experience maturity for peak efficiency and growthOperational experience (OX) is pivotal to the smooth running of any business. It is the hub of what is delivered from manufacturing and supply chains to resource management and distribution.Understanding your OX maturity is crucial in providing insights into how effectively you manage operations. The integration between advanced IT tools and technologies within OT can help reduce costs, improve processes and create new business models.The 15-minute assessment tool to set your compass for OX maturityTo help you understand your current OX maturity, Orange Business has created a free-of-charge introductory assessment that will take no more than 15 minutes to complete – generating a personalized report and recommendations at the end, which is emailed to you. This will outline your enterprise’s OX level, actionable insights and gaps.Our high-level, expertly constructed assessment has been designed to help you understand where you sit on the OX maturity scale in the following six domains:Organization: Adapting structures and fostering collaboration ensures a competent, flexible workforce that can continuously learn and innovate, keeping the organization competitive and effective in a rapidly changing environment Data: A deep understanding of data collection, consolidation and analytics is crucial for recognizing patterns, identifying trends and making informed decisions that drive improvements and optimize manufacturing operations Processes: Effective processes, integrated with technology across operations and supply chains, can drive flexibility, efficiency and productivity while minimizing waste and costs Compliance: Compliance maturity reflects the tools, awareness and efforts needed to keep up with evolving regulations and sustainability standards at global, regional and local levels Technology: Automation and connectivity can enhance precision, efficiency and product quality by integrating and optimizing IT and OT systems Security: OT systems need secure, resilient architectures to manage risks from physical threats and cyber vulnerabilities in hyper-connected environmentsEnhancing one of these helps to put you on the road to operational excellence.It will help you identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for improvement, guiding decision-making and resource allocation. For example, to move to the next level of OX maturity, from “Initial computerization” to “Established connectivity,” it may suggest that you put in place processes to respond to ad hoc regulatory reporting requests and ensure that clear governance is defined and implemented to support transformation towards the factory of the future.Based on your answers, we grade your OX maturity based on the five maturity stages that we have identified, namely:Initial computerization: Processing in place for some tasks alongside some connectivity Established connectivity: Technology supports all core business processes. Some IT systems talk to each other, but integration is not complete Defined visibility: Sensors capture real-time data related to business processes. The data generated from these sensors and data points is used to make smart decisions Managed transparency: Advanced engineering and analytics are used to understand “why” something is happening and to derive insight across the enterprise Optimized predictability: Big streams of data are analyzed from connected systems, and patterns can be identified to predict future scenarios. Actions implemented are preventative rather than reactiveVarious organizational management personas, from finance to procurement, can complete the assessment. However, some questions are more technical and may require input from the IT team.OX: When did you last assess your maturity level?By regularly assessing your operational maturity level, you can make informed decisions that support long-term success, whether through efficiency gains, digital transformation or strategic growth. It also helps to draw up a roadmap to continuously refine processes, improve performance and stay competitive in a rapidly changing industry.Every manufacturer is at a different stage in their digital journey. It takes time to break down the silos that exist between OT and IT, for example, to achieve smooth integration. OX is vital to this integration.An assessment will accelerate your OX excellence journeyAn OX maturity assessment is now a strategic imperative across diverse sectors with industrial processes for maintaining competitive advantage, ensuring quality and achieving long-term sustainability.If you haven’t reviewed your OX strategy recently, now is the time. This assessment tool will provide you with a benchmark against industry best practices and a structured framework for your OX roadmap.Assess your enterprise’s OX maturity now, and get personalized recommendations on how to move forward.Recommended for youIndustry 4.0: The Orange Operational Xperience Factory Predict the unpredictable using prescriptive analytics Blogs Emmanuel Routier Emmanuel joined the Orange Group in 1991 and has worked in various B2B and wholesale positions in France, USA and Belgium. He joined Orange Business in 2013 and was appointed Vice President Industries 4.0 in 2019. In March 2022, he became Vice President Smart Industries with the responsibility to develop Orange Business business across all Business Units through a customer centric approach on the Industries. Connectivity');" href="#" data-taxo="1017"> Connectivity IoT');" href="#" data-taxo="1020"> IoT Security');" href="#" data-taxo="1023"> Security

  • Data quality – the critical component in your AI strategy
    by Elaine sherman on 10/09/2024 at 18:02

    Data quality – the critical component in your AI strategyElaine shermanTue, 09/10/2024 - 18:02AI cannot exist without data. Yet AI will not deliver what businesses need if the data quality is poor. Tackling this, therefore, must be front and center as companies develop their AI strategies. AI cannot exist without data. Yet AI will not deliver what businesses need if the data quality is poor. Tackling this, therefore, must be front and center as companies develop their AI strategies.In all the excitement around AI, it is crucial to remember that data and AI are intrinsically linked. AI consumes data to operate effectively, and data requires AI to unlock its full potential. Without a solid connection to enterprise data, even advanced tools, such as ChatGPT, Bard or Copilot, will fall short of transforming your business in a meaningful way.This symbiotic relationship between AI and data is not new. What has changed is the speed and scale of AI adoption along with its unprecedented ability to interpret and generate unstructured data, such as plain text, audio, images and videos.This highlights a dual challenge for organizations: mitigating the risks associated with the rapid and widespread adoption of AI, while simultaneously implementing robust strategies to manage both structured and unstructured data effectively.Lower barriers to entry demand stronger governanceAI now speaks our language, and extremely powerful algorithms are widely accessible to anyone. This has significantly lowered the barriers to experimenting with AI, conducting trials and proving concepts. However, what has not changed is the complexity of scaling these tests into production-grade systems, which still requires substantial effort and investment. Transitioning from a proof of concept to a minimum viable product requires a focus on privacy, security, fairness, regulatory compliance and, very crucially, the accuracy of the data that is used — all supported by strong governance.Without proper governance, you risk employees leaking sensitive information by prompting a public AI model, or confidential data being shared with an unauthorized employee using your internal large language model. This can happen due to poor segregation of underlying unstructured documents. Without adequate governance, you risk being unable to distinguish between accurate sources of information and flawed data that could undermine your AI model.AI holds tremendous potential for all companies, but as advanced models become a commodity, the battleground is shifting from algorithmic supremacy to data excellence. Data excellence will be the key factor in determining which organizations win the AI race in the long run.Bad data quality propagatesThe impact assessment of data quality on AI performance and safety can be technically complex, but it boils down to a simple principle: “garbage in, garbage out.”If the data used to train your LLMs (or other models) is filled with errors, includes sensitive or confidential information, or is factually incorrect, the output generated will inherit those flaws.Besides, a new challenge has emerged with the ability of AI to process and generate unstructured data. The output of one AI model can now feed into another AI model, creating a chain reaction where bad data quality propagates and amplifies at every iteration, producing misleading and potentially harmful results.Fixing data quality in three stepsSo, data quality has never been hotter. But how do you fix it? Fundamentally, there are three core areas to focus on:1. High-value data firstBusinesses are flooded with data of all kinds. Trying to improve the quality of it all at once is an overwhelming and often futile task. Instead, the key is to identify where improving data quality will bring the most immediate value. The businesses that succeed with AI are those that focus on specific, high-impact use cases that drive ROI. When addressing data-quality remediation, start with high-value data required to support these use cases.Of course, identifying high-value data implies having an overview of the available data. Countless opportunities are missed simply because business stakeholders are unaware of the data they have access to.The data governance foundations you will build to support high-value use cases can then scale across the organization to support more and more sources and applications.2. Scaling step-by-stepThis value-driven approach also means you build incrementally as you grow. With each step, review your data, identify the issues and fix them before moving forward. This not only ensures that the data meets your newly defined quality standards but also helps you stay compliant with regulatory requirements.Different regions are introducing regulations at varying speeds, creating a legal and governance challenge for businesses trying to navigate what is necessary for their operations and what is not. By establishing a governance framework as you move from one use case to the next, you can more easily identify where compliance is necessary and where it may not apply.3. Learn, fix, learn againThere will be missteps; the generative AI explosion has not yet brought a corresponding boom in experienced talent. Everyone is learning. How you incorporate these lessons into your approach will define your long-term success and determine whether you can keep pace with the ongoing AI advancements.A crucial part of the learning process is continuously assessing the quality of AI inputs and outputs. Incorrect outputs reported by users may signal a need for data quality remediation. Repeated instances of unauthorized data being submitted to the AI might indicate poor data classification. Use these constant feedback loops to refine and improve your system as you go.Transform one step at a timeAll in all, the task of successfully embedding AI into your organization cannot be underestimated. While these tools hold immense potential, leveraging them effectively requires a mature governance approach. All businesses have access to vast amounts of data, but the truly successful ones will focus on identifying the most valuable use cases, improving data quality and building the necessary frameworks and guardrails, one step at a time.AI is changing the world. In addition to data quality, you must consider what it means for your network and security and how you will use LLMs. Take a look at our guide on all those areas to learn more.Recommended for youFrom off-the-shelf to tailor-made: deploying LLMs Combatting AI-driven cybersecurity nightmares Creating an AI-capable network Automotive Bank & insurance Health Manufacturing Public sector Resources and energy Retail Technology and business services Tourism and personal services Transport Blogs Jérémy El Aissaoui Jérémy is a former theoretical physicist who traded black holes and string theory for the equally fascinating field of AI, spending the past ten years supporting organizations across diverse industries to solve complex business challenges with cutting-edge technology. With a passion for innovation, he helps businesses achieve their full AI potential with strategic roadmaps, tailored solutions, targeted coaching, awareness sessions and much more. Big Data');" href="#" data-taxo="1014"> Big Data

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  • MWC Los Angeles 2019
    on 29/07/2019 at 07:40

    MWCLA19 |  22 - 24 October 2019, Los Angeles, USA Partners and Members of Smart Cities Association will get special discount and free passes to attend the event. Welcome to the era of Intelligent Connectivity – where speed, convenience, and intelligence converge; inspiring new technologies that keep us connected to everything and everyone, while delivering highly contextualized and personalized experiences, when and where you want them.

  • Only few days left for the cities to apply for the European Capital of Smart Tourism 2020!
    on 26/04/2019 at 08:40


  • Enterprises will spend $1.18T on digital transformation efforts this year: report
    on 25/04/2019 at 08:40

    A recent International Data Corporation (IDC) report says enterprises are ramping up their digital transformation projects to the tune of $1.18 trillion in 2019, an increase in spending of 18% over 2018.

  • Mauritius leading the way in 'smart city' developments
    on 24/04/2019 at 08:40

    The digital revolution has inexorably altered our lives in just two decades, impacting almost every aspect, from how we bank, shop and communicate to how we conduct business, however, experts agree that we have yet to experience the most dramatic transformation.

  • Singapore achieves first position and becomes Champion
    on 22/04/2019 at 08:40

    This ranking is the very first of its kind in our region. For a city to be included, it must have a high level of FTTH/B coverage. If this aspect is covered, Smart Projects are evaluated according to a number of predetermined points.

Frost & Sullivan We Accelerate Growth

  • Unlocking New Growth Opportunities in Dimensional Metrology
    by Frost & Sullivan on 24/10/2024 at 13:32

    The global Dimensional Metrology industry is essential for improving manufacturing precision, supporting innovation, and ensuring product quality across sectors like aerospace, electronics, and healthcare. By adopting advanced portable metrology solutions, such as optical digitizers and scanners (ODS) and portable coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), companies can streamline their processes, reduce defects, and enhance operational efficiency. As The post Unlocking New Growth Opportunities in Dimensional Metrology appeared first on Frost & Sullivan.

  • Are you driving growth through comprehensive ESG integration in supply chains?
    by Frost & Sullivan on 24/10/2024 at 13:29

    Frost & Sullivan’s Manufacturing webinar series delved into the topic ‘The shift from emissions reduction to full ESG integration in sustainable supply chain.’ Led by industry experts, the session highlighted how businesses can evolve their supply chains beyond mere emissions reduction to embrace holistic environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. The panel included Apoorv Anand, The post Are you driving growth through comprehensive ESG integration in supply chains? appeared first on Frost & Sullivan.

  • Are you driving growth by advancing facility management practices in building lifecycle transformation?
    by Frost & Sullivan on 24/10/2024 at 13:22

    Frost & Sullivan’s Homes and Buildings webinar series explored the theme ‘Taking Facility Management to the Next Level in Building Lifecycle Transformation.’ Led by industry experts, the session focused on areas of growth for companies, product and technology innovation in facility management, focusing on building lifecycle transformation journey. The panel included Melvin Leong, Growth Expert The post Are you driving growth by advancing facility management practices in building lifecycle transformation? appeared first on Frost & Sullivan.

  • How well do you understand the key strategic imperatives influencing the evolution of the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) industry?
    by Frost & Sullivan on 24/10/2024 at 13:15

    The BESS industry is rapidly evolving due to transformative megatrends and disruptive technologies. As companies integrate advanced battery chemistries and real-time energy management systems, they are responding to the shift towards renewable energy and grid modernization. Innovative business models are emerging to tackle competitive intensity, focusing on enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. By strategically incorporating The post How well do you understand the key strategic imperatives influencing the evolution of the Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) industry? appeared first on Frost & Sullivan.

  • WATT Fuel Cell Earns Frost & Sullivan’s 2024 North America Technology Innovation Leadership Award
    by Ashley Shreve on 24/10/2024 at 13:00

    Award recognizes WATT’s production of high-efficiency solid-oxide fuel cell systems The post WATT Fuel Cell Earns Frost & Sullivan’s 2024 North America Technology Innovation Leadership Award appeared first on Frost & Sullivan.

  • Land, Best Paper Award
    by Nicos Komninos on 03/09/2024 at 08:55

    The Land Best Paper Award Committee selected the research paper “Net Zero Energy Districts: Connected Intelligence for Carbon-Neutral Cities” as the Second prize of the Land 2022 Best Paper Award. The committee determined the award based on an overall evaluation of the papers’ originality and significance, considering citations and downloads. Six winners were chosen, including three [...] The post Land, Best Paper Award appeared first on URENIO | Intelligent Cities – Smart Cities – Innovation Ecosystems.

  • Call for Papers, Technovation Special Issue
    by Nicos Komninos on 23/04/2024 at 21:20

    Digital Platforms, Generative AI, and the Future of Territorial Innovation Systems: Navigating the New Landscape of Intelligence and Innovation Technovation Special Issue Call for Papers Territorial innovation systems are considered the driving force behind the development of cities and regions, explaining the capacity of certain territories to propel and incubate technology, innovation, and knowledge-based growth. [...] The post Call for Papers, Technovation Special Issue appeared first on URENIO | Intelligent Cities – Smart Cities – Innovation Ecosystems.

  • Smart Cities Series Elsevier: books published
    by Nicos Komninos on 23/04/2024 at 08:49

    Launched in 2017, the smart cities book series publishes a collection of insights into the diverse constitution of smart cities. In collecting these insights, the series publishes research, which improves both theory and practice of smart cities and transfers the knowledge acquired to scholars, policymakers and practitioners alike. The book series also publishes original research [...] The post Smart Cities Series Elsevier: books published appeared first on URENIO | Intelligent Cities – Smart Cities – Innovation Ecosystems.

  • Digitally Disrupted Space, by Anastasia Panori
    by Nicos Komninos on 28/02/2024 at 11:44

    Digitally Disrupted Space: Proximity and New Development Opportunities for Regions and Cities, by Anastasia Panori, has just been published by Elsevier Smart Cities Series. The book develops an analytical framework of the digital space structural elements and their impact on existing spatial interactions at the urban and regional levels. The book puts forth the argument [...] The post Digitally Disrupted Space, by Anastasia Panori appeared first on URENIO | Intelligent Cities – Smart Cities – Innovation Ecosystems.

  • Climate City Contract of Thessaloniki
    by Nicos Komninos on 09/12/2023 at 08:02

    The Climate City Contract was signed on September 8, 2023, by 24 organizations that endorse and support the 2030 Action Plan for Climate Neutrality of Thessaloniki and the vision of the city towards net zero emissions. Thessaloniki’s pathways towards climate neutrality cover various sectors: Electricity: There will be a widespread installation of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) [...] The post Climate City Contract of Thessaloniki appeared first on URENIO | Intelligent Cities – Smart Cities – Innovation Ecosystems.

Techerati We live technology.

  • Macquarie Technology Group secures £133M AU debt financing
    by Nicole Cappella on 24/10/2024 at 15:27

    Macquarie Technology Group, a leading Australian provider of data centre, cloud, cybersecurity and telecom services, has announced the signing of a debt refinancing project to support ongoing data centre expansion. The refinancing will provide Macquarie with access to £230 million ($298 million) in revolving funds. This is almost double the previous amount £133 million ($172... Read More

  • LinkedIn fined £258M over GDPR Breach
    by Rebecca Uffindell on 24/10/2024 at 13:31

    The Irish Data Protection Commission (DPC) has fined LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company £258 million ($334.8 million) following a detailed inquiry into the company’s data processing practices. The inquiry was launched after a complaint by the French Data Protection Authority and focused on LinkedIn’s use of personal data for behavioural analysis and targeted advertising. The decision,... Read More

  • UK unveils data bill for £10bn economic growth
    by Rebecca Uffindell on 24/10/2024 at 12:41

    A new Bill has been introduced to UK Parliament, aimed at utilising data to enhance public services and generate £10 billion ($12.9 billion) for the UK economy. The Data Use and Access Bill seeks to facilitate the secure and effective use of data for the public interest while alleviating financial pressures on the nation. The... Read More

  • NVIDIA fixes design flaw in Blackwell AI chips
    by Rebecca Uffindell on 24/10/2024 at 11:07

    CEO at NVIDIA, Jensen Huang, has confirmed a design flaw with its Blackwell artificial intelligence (AI) chips which affected production has been fixed with the help of its manufacturing partner TSMC. NVIDIA’s Blackwell architecture was unveiled in March and is intended to facilitate breakthroughs in data processing, engineering simulation, electronic design automation, computer-aided drug design,... Read More

  • Global Switch announces sale of Australian business to HMC Capital
    by Rebecca Uffindell on 24/10/2024 at 09:50

    Global Switch has reached an agreement to sell its Australian business, Global Switch Australia Holdings (GSAH), to HMC Capital for £1 billion ($1.4 billion). Global Switch aims to open the value of its economic interests in GSAH and raise capital for future growth. The deal is expected to complete by late 2024 or early 2025,... Read More

IoT Tech Expo IoT Tech Expo

23andMe Blog Welcome to The World of Genetics

  • New Historical Matches Could Connect You to the Ancient Romans
    by 23andMe on 24/10/2024 at 14:00

    Every October, we celebrate Italian-American Heritage Month, which honors the accomplishments of Italian immigrants and Italian-Americans, who comprise the fifth-largest ethnic group in the United States. In celebration, 23andMe+ Premium members, using the Historical MatchesSM feature, “Historical Matches,” can now discover how they are genetically connected to the ancient inhabitants of one of Italy’s most The post New Historical Matches Could Connect You to the Ancient Romans appeared first on 23andMe Blog.

  • Parkinson’s and the Microbiome
    by 23andMe on 24/10/2024 at 13:55

    With apologies to Walt Whitman, we all contain multitudes … of microbial cells, trillions of microorganisms that live in and on our bodies. The human microbiome is vast and varied and accompanies us through our lives, changing as we age. As scientists continue to learn more about these microscopic ecosystems on our skin, mouths, and The post Parkinson’s and the Microbiome appeared first on 23andMe Blog.

  • Improvements to DNA Relatives: New HybridIBD Algorithm and Relationship Predictions
    by 23andMe on 23/10/2024 at 19:00

    Recently, 23andMe significantly improved relationship estimates with two new updates: a new algorithm that improves predictions for distant relatives and HybridIBDSM, a new method to determine DNA Relatives. These improvements are particularly beneficial for those who use 23andMe to find connections with their most distant DNA Relatives. Whether you’re a hobbyist dabbling in genealogy or The post Improvements to DNA Relatives: New HybridIBD Algorithm and Relationship Predictions appeared first on 23andMe Blog.

  • Take a Peek Inside 23andMe’s Upgrade to the Medicine Cabinet Feature
    by 23andMe on 22/10/2024 at 18:44

    Common medications for conditions like anxiety, depression, or high cholesterol or even to limit the growth of some cancers, may not work as well for some of us because of our genetics. Yet few of us know before we are prescribed an SSRI for depression, say, or a statin for high cholesterol, that we have The post Take a Peek Inside 23andMe’s Upgrade to the Medicine Cabinet Feature appeared first on 23andMe Blog.

  • New 23andMe Update Connects Many African American Customers to Southern Roots
    by 23andMe on 17/10/2024 at 13:45

    History is written in our DNA, and like our DNA, our history is often complicated. Over the last several years, 23andMe scientists have explored what our genetics can reveal about the people of the United States and our complicated history with race. Leveraging many of these insights and ongoing improvements to our ancestry service features, The post New 23andMe Update Connects Many African American Customers to Southern Roots appeared first on 23andMe Blog.

  • Thales and the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics set a world record in the field of nuclear fusion
    on 25/10/2024 at 02:56

    To achieve nuclear fusion, a process in which two light nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus that releases massive energy, the magnetic confinement process requires heating a gas to create a plasma, which is then confined by a powerful magnetic field.

  • Thales to supply handheld thermal imagers to the Canadian Army
    on 25/10/2024 at 02:56

    Thales Canada is pleased to announce that the Government of Canada has awarded a contract to Thales Canada for the acquisition of its Sophie Ultima Handheld Thermal Imager (HHTI) as part of the Night Vision Systems Modernization (NVSM) project. This award marks an important advancement in Canada’s defence capabilities, ensuring that the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are equipped with cutting-edge technology designed to excel in complex and challenging operational environments.

  • Vulnerable APIs and Bot Attacks Costing Businesses up to $186 Billion Annually
    on 25/10/2024 at 02:56

    Imperva, a Thales company, the cybersecurity leader that protects critical applications, APIs, and data, anywhere at scale, releases the “Economic Impact of API and Bot Attacks” report. The analysis of more than 161,000 unique cybersecurity incidents and investigates the rising global costs of vulnerable or insecure APIs and automated abuse by bots, two security threats that are increasingly interconnected and prevalent. The report estimates that API insecurity and bot attacks result in up to $186[1] billion for businesses around the world.

  • Thales contributes to the production of seven additional sections of the SAMP/TNG for the French Air and Space Forces
    on 25/10/2024 at 02:56

    As announced on the 17 September 2024 during the Conference on European Air and Missile Defense in Rome (Italy) by the French Ministry of Defence, Sébastien Lecornu, French Minister of Armed forces officialised a contract, through OCCAR-EA, to launch the serial production of seven additional SAMP/T NG sections for the French Air and Space Forces.

  • Empowering drones to enhance naval operations: Thales successfully demonstrates latest innovations during Portuguese Naval military exercise
    on 25/10/2024 at 02:56

    At the REPMUS 2024 exercise, Thales showcased its highly innovative solutions in the field of unmanned systems for naval warfare during real-world conditions. Through its multi-drone management solutions, smart sensors and combat management systems specifically designed for unmanned platforms, Thales is supporting navies to develop new concepts of operations, teaming manned and unmanned systems to carry out naval missions with greater responsiveness and flexibility.

This is Artificial Intelligence by Thales In this podcast, learn about Thales' approach to Artificial Intelligence, including its development of Hybrid AI for more power and functionality in critical environments, keeping humans in the decision-making loop, and requiring AI systems to be transparent, understandable, and ethical.

  • How to ensure the adoption of Augmented Intelligence in critical systems
    by Thales Group on 26/11/2020 at 09:25

    Today, Artificial Intelligence is pushing our technologies to a new frontier. The fast moving digital revolution gives us a glimpse of the potential of Artificial Intelligence, or AI, and the risks that come with it. When working in regulated industries such as aerospace, transportation or defence, we must ensure that our technologies are certifiable, explainable, and trustworthy while keeping people accountable for critical decisions.

  • How do we make Augmented Intelligence a reality in critical systems?
    by Thales Group on 19/11/2020 at 13:40

    Today, Artificial Intelligence is pushing our technologies to a new frontier. The fast moving digital revolution gives us a glimpse of the potential of Artificial Intelligence, or AI, and the risks that come with it. When working in regulated industries such as aerospace, transportation or defence, we must ensure that our technologies are certifiable, explainable, and trustworthy while keeping people accountable for critical decisions. To allow us to solve problems of greater complexity, while maintaining the same trust level, we have adopted a new AI Strategy which puts humans at the centre: Augmented Intelligence. Two Thales employees based in Montreal and in Quebec City in Canada- Siegfried Usal, General Manager, and Jean-François Gagnon, Human Factors and Cognition Scientist –explain what kind of approach Augmented Intelligence is, and what areas of application they’re working on.

  • AI in Analytics and IoT
    by Thales Group on 01/09/2020 at 13:31

    Join Guavus Head of Products and Marketing Stephen Spellicy as he delves into AI, analytics and IoT – key use cases, where AI and IoT are going and why telecom will lead the way. He discusses how best to figure out and predict issues that IoT devices might be facing, and how to get at the data you really need from within your organization and from your IoT devices. He provides examples of how some of the top communications service providers today are using AI today to better analyze the huge volume of data coming from connected IoT devices and sensors into their networks (along with all their operational, customer and business data) and, without manual intervention, make better decisions, provide smarter new services and a better customer experience while reducing costs.

  • How AI is supporting cybersecurity
    by Thales Group on 18/02/2020 at 10:16

    As in many other sectors, artificial intelligence (AI) is a game changer in cybersecurity. In an increasingly connected and digital world, cyberprotection needs a powerful tool such as AI, able to learn from new behaviours, adapt to an ever-changing environment and be customised to clients’ needs. Thales IT security expert Olivier Bettan explains how AI can be used for protecting a business from cyberattacks and the different approaches Thales is working on.

  • How AI embedded in aircraft flight decks is supporting airline pilots
    by Thales Group on 14/11/2019 at 15:27

    Artificial Intelligence is one of the key drivers for the shift to a more digital aviation sector, and by interacting with other digital enablers (connectivity, big data) is the gateway to more precise, safer flight and more efficiency in the cockpit – as pilots receive sharper, more blended data and information. This all represents an invaluable aid in pilots’ tasks of navigating aircraft from A to B, ever more swiftly and safely. AI is already present on board aircraft and Thales will increasingly embed AI in the solutions we deliver. Everybody is set to gain from this trend across the aviation chain, and for Thales delivering AI capability is also an integral part of the certifiable Thales TrUE AI framework.

THIS IS AI in Decisive Moments by Thales Artificial intelligence is advancing society and creating pathways to completely transform the everyday. The new possibilities it creates are defined not by software and hardware, or numbers and data. They are instead defined by how they help people lead better, happier and safer lives. This mini-series will examine AI and how it actually affects the world around us, with one company's digital transformation in focus. At Thales, AI is being created for decisive moments. Moments which ensure the safe operations of autonomous trains, enhance security at airports, create better and more personalized travel experiences, reduce cybersecurity risk, and much more. So stay tuned as we walk through a world of the new and evolving world of tech driven by AI.

  • AI Behavior: Keeping an Eye on AI
    by Thales Group on 07/08/2019 at 18:45

    As humans, we tend to give abstract concepts a voice and a face, because it makes it easier for us to understand them. In the case of AI, we have taken this to the extreme with anthropomorphized stories. In the third and final episode of this mini-series on AI in decisive moments, we are joined by Philippe Keryer, Executive Vice-President of Strategy, Research and Technology at Thales who is helping define the future of TrUE AI that is creating more realistic stories allowing us to better understand the technology. Join us as Philippe discusses his thoughts on how the technology can be architected to achieve transparent, understandable and ethical AI.

  • AI Logic: Making things fly with AI
    by Thales Group on 07/08/2019 at 18:39

    Artificial intelligence has taken root in our daily lives to become a new normal, a collaboration between man and machine. New approaches to AI can even make things fly better. In the second episode of this mini-series on AI in decisive moments, we are joined by leading AI architect Dr. Nick Ernest of Thales who created a human fighter-pilot defeating AI using fuzzy logic. Join us as Nick discusses his thoughts on how this same AI approach can be applied to other man-machine interactions enhancing the way we live to make life better and keep us safer.

  • Making Life Better: One AI at a time
    by Thales Group on 07/08/2019 at 18:23

    We live in a world surrounded by artificial intelligence. These AI applications are here to help us live better lives. Today, applications are being developed to digitally transform all types of domains, including ground transportation with autonomous trains, civil aviation with single pilot aircraft, cyber security with better anomaly detection, and many more. In the first episode of this mini-series on AI in decisive moments, we are joined by Chairman and CEO of Thales Group, Patrice Caine, who discusses his thoughts on how AI is making the world a better place and keeping us all safer.

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  • Siemens and Microsoft scale industrial AI
    by [email protected] on 22/10/2024 at 12:52

    Siemens and Microsoft scale industrial AIadam.urbanek@s…Tue, 10/22/2024 - 12:52 Please use another Browser It looks like you are using a browser that is not fully supported. Please note that there might be constraints on site display and usability. For the best experience we suggest that you download the newest version of a supported browser: Internet Explorer, Chrome Browser, Firefox Browser, Safari BrowserContinue with the current browserPlease allow JavaScriptThis page requires JavaScript in order to be fully functional and displayed correctly. Please enable JavaScript and reload the site. How to enable JavaScript Press Release24 October 2024Siemens AGBerlin Siemens and Microsoft scale industrial AISiemens and Microsoft have taken the Siemens Industrial Copilot to the next level, to handle demanding environments at scaleOver 100 customers in Europe and the US are using the Siemens Industrial Copilot to improve efficiency, cut downtime, and address labor shortagesthyssenkrupp Automation Engineering is planning a global roll out of the Copilot beginning 2025More than 120,000 engineers can now leverage the Copilot, upskilling experts and workers in programming with GenAI Siemens is revolutionizing industrial automation with Microsoft. Through their collaboration, they have taken the Siemens Industrial Copilot to the next level, enabling it to handle the most demanding environments at scale. Combining Siemens’ unique domain know-how across industries with Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service, the Copilot further improves handling of rigorous requirements in manufacturing and automation.  Siemens and Microsoft have taken the Siemens Industrial Copilot to the next level, to handle demanding environments at scaleOver 100 customers in Europe and the US are using the Siemens Industrial Copilot to improve efficiency, cut downtime, and address labor shortagesthyssenkrupp Automation Engineering is planning a global roll out of the Copilot beginning 2025More than 120,000 engineers can now leverage the Copilot, upskilling experts and workers in programming with GenAI Siemens is revolutionizing industrial automation with Microsoft. Through their collaboration, they have taken the Siemens Industrial Copilot to the next level, enabling it to handle the most demanding environments at scale. Combining Siemens’ unique domain know-how across industries with Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service, the Copilot further improves handling of rigorous requirements in manufacturing and automation.   Over 100 companies, including Schaeffler and thyssenkrupp Automation Engineering, are currently using the Siemens Industrial Copilot to streamline processes, address labor shortages, and drive innovation. With 120,000 users already leveraging the Siemens engineering software TIA Portal, they now have the opportunity to enhance their work with the genAI-powered assistant.Co-creation partner thyssenkrupp Automation Engineering is now the first to plan to use the Copilot globally. Beginning in early 2025, their machines will be engineered with the assistant, fully unleashing its potential across their entire product range. The rollout will take place globally. Siemens is pioneering the offering of gen AI for automation engineering in the industry and has made this capability easily accessible on the Siemens Xcelerator open digital business platform.“The collaboration between Siemens and Microsoft marks a pivotal moment in the industrial sector; one where AI Transformation becomes a cornerstone for innovation and operational efficiency,” said Judson Althoff, executive vice president and chief commercial officer at Microsoft. “By integrating Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service into Siemens' industrial solutions, we are equipping companies with cloud-based AI tools to simplify complex challenges, drive productivity, and help them stay competitive in an increasingly dynamic environment.” "Together with Microsoft we scale industrial AI, empowering our customers throughout the industry to become more resilient, competitive and sustainable. thyssenkrupp Automation Engineering shows how customers can use the Siemens Industrial Copilot even in highly demanding environments as a major efficiency boost," said Cedrik Neike, Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG and CEO of Digital Industries.Since the product’s availability in July 2024, customers across various sectors have started using the Siemens Industrial Copilot for Engineering to boost efficiency. Engineers can now create panel visualizations in 30 seconds and generate code that requires only 20% adaptation. This streamlines workflows, reducing manual effort and addressing the skilled labor shortage. The chat function also provides instant, precise answers, eliminating the need for lengthy searches. By leveraging the Copilot, companies are driving productivity and innovation. Transforming battery quality assurance with the Siemens Industrial Copilot thyssenkrupp Automation Engineering exemplifies the Siemens Industrial Copilot’s transformative potential at scale, particularly in complex control, such as development of automated systems for the production of battery and hydrogen assembly lines. One of their machines helps ensure quality of batteries for electric cars, a crucial factor in the sustainable energy transition and the industry’s reliance on 100% reliable batteries. Sensors, cameras, and measurement systems are integrated to monitor battery cell quality across multiple stages, conducting complex evaluations to detect discharges beyond set thresholds.The Siemens Industrial Copilot supercharges the development and operation of this battery machine by automating repetitive tasks like data management, sensor configuration, and the crucial reporting of each step necessary to meet strict battery inspection requirements. Generally, the Copilot supports engineering by handling both routine and essential documentation tasks. This allows the engineers to focus on complex, value-added work, while its real-time problem-solving capabilities minimize downtime and ensure smooth production.“The Siemens Industrial Copilot will prospectively ease our workload and address the pressing challenges of labor shortages and increasing complexity in battery testing. This AI-powered solution will be a game-changer for our industry, and we will actively roll it out across our machines”, said Dr. Volkmar Dinstuhl, Member of the Executive Board of thyssenkrupp AG and CEO of thyssenkrupp Automotive Technology. Siemens will share more details on the Siemens Industrial Copilot at the SPS expo in Nuremberg, Germany, in November 2024. For this press release PDF DownloadLinks Industrial Copilot Siemens at SPS 2024Follow us on X @siemens_pressSiemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a leading technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, mobility, and healthcare. The company’s purpose is to create technology to transform the everyday, for everyone. By combining the real and the digital worlds, Siemens empowers customers to accelerate their digital and sustainability transformations, making factories more efficient, cities more livable, and transportation more sustainable. Siemens also owns a majority stake in the publicly listed company, Siemens Healthineers, a leading global medical technology provider shaping the future of healthcare.In fiscal 2023, which ended on September 30, 2023, the Siemens Group generated revenue of €74.9 billion and net income of €8.5 billion. As of September 30, 2023, the company employed around 305,000 people worldwide on the basis of continuing operations. Further information is available on the Internet at Read moreAbout MicrosoftMicrosoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” @microsoft) creates platforms and tools powered by AI to deliver innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of our customers. The technology company is committed to making AI available broadly and doing so responsibly, with a mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Read moreAbout thyssenkrupp Automotive Technologythyssenkrupp Automotive Technology is a leading supplier and development partner to the international automotive industry. Its range of products and services includes high-tech components and systems as well as automation solutions for vehicle production. The product range includes chassis technologies such as steering and damping systems and the assembly of axle systems as well as drive train components for conventional and alternative drives. thyssenkrupp Automotive Technology also develops assembly lines for body-in-white construction and produces lightweight body parts in series. The business area generated sales of 7.9 billion euros in fiscal year 2022/23. We also specialize in the production of springs and stabilizers for various vehicle types, as well as components and systems for tracked vehicles. Automotive Technology has a global production network with more than 90 locations in Europe, Asia, and North and South America. Read moreReference Number: ContactJil Huber  Siemens AG+49 162 3474144 [email protected] Communications for MicrosoftMicrosoft +1(425) 638-7777 [email protected] Grassmannthyssenkrupp AG Automotive Technology+49 152 28277427 [email protected] SiemensGet in touchFollow our global channels Follow Change region Global | English

  • Siemens and ServiceNow strengthen shopfloor security and drive generative AI-powered automation for shopfloor operations
    by [email protected] on 21/10/2024 at 13:52

    Siemens and ServiceNow strengthen shopfloor security and drive generative AI-powered automation for shopfloor operationsaniko.enderlei…Mon, 10/21/2024 - 13:52 Please use another Browser It looks like you are using a browser that is not fully supported. Please note that there might be constraints on site display and usability. For the best experience we suggest that you download the newest version of a supported browser: Internet Explorer, Chrome Browser, Firefox Browser, Safari BrowserContinue with the current browserPlease allow JavaScriptThis page requires JavaScript in order to be fully functional and displayed correctly. Please enable JavaScript and reload the site. How to enable JavaScript Press Release23 October 2024Digital IndustriesMunich Siemens and ServiceNow strengthen shopfloor security and drive generative AI-powered automation for shopfloor operations Leading technology company Siemens and ServiceNow, the AI platform for business transformation, announced a new collaboration at the ServiceNow World Forum in Munich, Germany The collaboration helps transform shopfloor security and operations with Siemens Xcelerator New offering combines Siemens’ Sinec Security Guard and the Siemens Industrial Copilot with ServiceNow’s workflow automation Siemens and ServiceNow today announced a new collaboration, that debuted at the ServiceNow World Forum in Munich. The companies intend to enhance industrial cybersecurity and drive the integration of generative AI into shopfloor operations. This mutual cooperation leverages Siemens' Sinec Security Guard for industrial vulnerability management and the Siemens Industrial Copilot for generative AI-powered automation – with ServiceNow providing the workflow automation needed to streamline and enhance factory operations. Leading technology company Siemens and ServiceNow, the AI platform for business transformation, announced a new collaboration at the ServiceNow World Forum in Munich, Germany The collaboration helps transform shopfloor security and operations with Siemens Xcelerator New offering combines Siemens’ Sinec Security Guard and the Siemens Industrial Copilot with ServiceNow’s workflow automation Siemens and ServiceNow today announced a new collaboration, that debuted at the ServiceNow World Forum in Munich. The companies intend to enhance industrial cybersecurity and drive the integration of generative AI into shopfloor operations. This mutual cooperation leverages Siemens' Sinec Security Guard for industrial vulnerability management and the Siemens Industrial Copilot for generative AI-powered automation – with ServiceNow providing the workflow automation needed to streamline and enhance factory operations.  Companies can now easily create transparency with the Industrial Copilot According to a recent market analysis, the industrial cybersecurity market is expected to reach $21.6 billion by 2028, driven by increasing threats to operational technology (OT) systems and the need for more comprehensive vulnerability management. The application of generative AI in industrial settings is also predicted to grow exponentially, with companies seeking to improve operational efficiency and human-machine collaboration. Cathy Mauzaize, President EMEA at ServiceNow, said: “Our collaboration with Siemens represents a pivotal step in enhancing operational technology security and harnessing the power of generative AI on the shopfloor. With Siemens’ market-leading expertise in industrial automation and the ServiceNow platform’s ability to orchestrate and automate workflows, we are enabling our joint customers to respond to vulnerabilities and streamline operations with speed and intelligence.”  Rainer Brehm, CEO Factory Automation at Siemens, added: “Combining the strength of Siemens Xcelerator, including Sinec Security Guard and the Siemens Industrial Copilot, with ServiceNow’s automation capabilities will help our customers make faster, smarter decisions. This collaboration marks a significant milestone in securing OT environments and bringing cutting-edge AI technology directly to the factory floor.” Factory security and efficiency with AI-driven automation ServiceNow's Operational Technology Service Management (OTSM) suite plays a key role in this cooperation. OTSM helps organizations manage and secure their operational technology environments by integrating IT and OT workflows, providing real-time visibility, and automating processes across the entire factory floor. With the addition of Sinec Security Guard, ServiceNow’s OT Vulnerability Response (OT VR) will be further enhanced to include more insights into vulnerabilities of OT equipment, enabling faster detection and remediation of security threats.  Siemens' Sinec Security Guard for industrial vulnerability management In the area of automation, ServiceNow’s Now Platform excels in orchestrating complex workflows and integrating AI insights into operational processes. Siemens brings in extensive industry domain know-how in the automation business. The Siemens Industrial Copilot is powered by generative AI and offers a transformative capability for human-machine collaboration on the shopfloor. Companies working with the Now Platform and mapping their workflows there can now easily create even more transparency with the Operations Copilot. A new level of transparency and control over operational processes can now be realized through the seamless interaction between static and dynamic machine data. Using natural language, the Operations Copilot assists shopfloor workers with detailed instructions and recommendations. ServiceNow’s ability to automate workflows – from maintenance scheduling to real-time problem-solving – helps ensure that these AI-driven insights translate into tangible and efficient actions that improve productivity and minimize downtime. For this press release PDF DownloadFollow us on X @siemens_press @SiemensIndustry @Blog Siemens Digital Industries (DI) is an innovation leader in automation and digitalization. Closely collaborating with partners and customers, DI drives the digital transformation in the process and discrete industries. With its Digital Enterprise portfolio, DI provides companies of all sizes with an end-to-end set of products, solutions, and services to integrate and digitalize the entire value chain. Optimized for the specific needs of each industry, DI’s unique portfolio supports customers to achieve greater productivity and flexibility. DI is constantly adding innovations to its portfolio to integrate cutting-edge future technologies. Siemens Digital Industries has its global headquarters in Nuremberg, Germany, and has employed around 72,000 people internationally. Read moreSiemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a leading technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, mobility, and healthcare. The company’s purpose is to create technology to transform the everyday, for everyone. By combining the real and the digital worlds, Siemens empowers customers to accelerate their digital and sustainability transformations, making factories more efficient, cities more livable, and transportation more sustainable. Siemens also owns a majority stake in the publicly listed company, Siemens Healthineers, a leading global medical technology provider shaping the future of healthcare.In fiscal 2023, which ended on September 30, 2023, the Siemens Group generated revenue of €74.9 billion and net income of €8.5 billion. As of September 30, 2023, the company employed around 305,000 people worldwide on the basis of continuing operations. Further information is available on the Internet at Read more ServiceNow (NYSE: NOW) is putting AI to work for people. We move with the pace of innovation to help customers transform organizations across every industry while upholding a trustworthy, human centered approach to deploying our products and services at scale. Our AI platform for business transformation connects people, processes, data, and devices to increase productivity and maximize business outcomes. For more information, visit: © 2024 ServiceNow, Inc. All rights reserved. ServiceNow, the ServiceNow logo, Now, and other ServiceNow marks are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of ServiceNow, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Other company names, product names, and logos may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated. Read moreReference Number: ContactHannah ArnalSiemens AG+49 152 22572736  [email protected] Johanna Fritz ServiceNow +49 173 7531700  [email protected] Contact SiemensGet in touchFollow our global channels Follow Change region Global | English

  • Siemens to optimize Unibuss’ electric fleet with Depot360, driving efficiency and cutting costs
    by [email protected] on 18/10/2024 at 11:40

    Siemens to optimize Unibuss’ electric fleet with Depot360, driving efficiency and cutting coststhomas.kuhnlei…Fri, 10/18/2024 - 11:40 Please use another Browser It looks like you are using a browser that is not fully supported. Please note that there might be constraints on site display and usability. For the best experience we suggest that you download the newest version of a supported browser: Internet Explorer, Chrome Browser, Firefox Browser, Safari BrowserContinue with the current browserPlease allow JavaScriptThis page requires JavaScript in order to be fully functional and displayed correctly. Please enable JavaScript and reload the site. How to enable JavaScript Press Release21 October 2024Siemens AGZug (Switzerland)  Siemens to optimize Unibuss’ electric fleet with Depot360, driving efficiency and cutting costs Siemens' Depot360 Managed Services to optimize charging and ensure stable operations for Unibuss' electric bus fleets at two depots Part of Siemens Xcelerator, the AI-powered solution addresses the unique challenges of operating large EV fleets, especially in harsh winter conditions Enables data-driven decisions to lower energy costs, reduce cost-per-mile, and increase route completion rates Contract marks the first Depot360 customer in Norway Siemens Smart Infrastructure has secured a contract with Unibuss, one of the leading bus operators in the Greater Oslo region, to deliver its innovative Depot360 Managed Services solution to ensure optimized operations of its fleet and charging infrastructure. With Norway at the forefront of the global transition to electric mobility, this contract establishes Siemens' Depot360 footprint in the country. Siemens' Depot360 Managed Services to optimize charging and ensure stable operations for Unibuss' electric bus fleets at two depots Part of Siemens Xcelerator, the AI-powered solution addresses the unique challenges of operating large EV fleets, especially in harsh winter conditions Enables data-driven decisions to lower energy costs, reduce cost-per-mile, and increase route completion rates Contract marks the first Depot360 customer in Norway Siemens Smart Infrastructure has secured a contract with Unibuss, one of the leading bus operators in the Greater Oslo region, to deliver its innovative Depot360 Managed Services solution to ensure optimized operations of its fleet and charging infrastructure. With Norway at the forefront of the global transition to electric mobility, this contract establishes Siemens' Depot360 footprint in the country.  Depot360 – End-to-end solutions for fleet electrificationSiemens’ Depot360 Managed Services addresses the unique challenges faced by electric bus operators, such as those related to harsh winter conditions - common in Norway - and the need for 24/7 monitoring of vehicle charging. With Depot360's smart charging capabilities, Siemens can ensure the right amount of energy is delivered to vehicles without exceeding grid capacity, while also enabling remote monitoring of bus charging status for stable operations and reduced energy consumption. Depot360 forms part of Siemens Xcelerator, an open digital business platform that enables customers to accelerate their digital transformation easier, faster, and at scale."Transitioning to electric fleets is a vital step for Norway to achieve its ambitious climate goals and for setting a global example for greener transportation,” said Henrik Anderberg, Technical Director, Unibuss. “So too is implementing the right technology in order to optimize the efficiency of electric fleets. With Depot360 Managed Services, we can enhance the efficiency of our operations by optimizing charging, reducing energy costs, and improving route completion rates. Such streamlining of operations supports our sustainability goals, helping us contribute to a greener future and reduce our carbon footprint in public transportation.”Enabled by the Depot360 AI Platform, Siemens’ expert team at its 24/7 Network Operations Center (NOC) continuously leverages fleet-centric algorithms to monitor and manage the charging infrastructure's performance. This allows for the identification and proactive resolution of issues based on data-driven decisions. Load shifting and peak shaving features will enable further energy cost reductions for Unibuss.“As we look to accelerate the electrification of transportation, Siemens is keen to innovate with forward-thinking organizations such as Unibuss,” said Alan White, Head of Emerging Transportation Platforms at Siemens Smart Infrastructure. “Depot360 Managed Services, part of our digital business platform Siemens Xcelerator, will be a game-changer for Unibuss' operations. We look forward to demonstrating how our data-driven platform and expert NOC team can deliver more reliable, efficient, and transparent fleet operations, even in the most challenging environments.”Unibuss, a subsidiary of Oslo's municipal transport company Sporveien AS, transports 70 million people annually across its 51 bus routes. The company boasts one of the Nordics' largest electric bus fleets with 259 electric buses.Depot360 will be showcased to the Norwegian market on stand 25 at the upcoming NHO Logistic and Transport conference, taking place on Oct 21-22 in Oslo. For this press release PDF DownloadLinks Siemens Smart Infrastructure Depot360Follow us on Twitter @siemens_press Siemens Smart Infrastructure (SI) is shaping the market for intelligent, adaptive infrastructure for today and the future. It addresses the pressing challenges of urbanization and climate change by connecting energy systems, buildings, and industries. SI provides customers with a comprehensive end-to-end portfolio from a single source – with products, systems, solutions, and services from the point of power generation all the way to consumption. With an increasingly digitalized ecosystem, it helps customers thrive and communities progress while contributing toward protecting the planet. Siemens Smart Infrastructure has its global headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. As of September 30, 2023, the business had around 75,000 employees worldwide. Read more Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a leading technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, mobility, and healthcare. The company’s purpose is to create technology to transform the everyday, for everyone. By combining the real and the digital worlds, Siemens empowers customers to accelerate their digital and sustainability transformations, making factories more efficient, cities more livable, and transportation more sustainable. Siemens also owns a majority stake in the publicly listed company, Siemens Healthineers, a leading global medical technology provider shaping the future of healthcare. In fiscal 2023, which ended on September 30, 2023, the Siemens Group generated revenue of €74.9 billion and net income of €8.5 billion. As of September 30, 2023, the company employed around 305,000 people worldwide on the basis of continuing operations. Further information is available on the Internet at Read moreReference Number: ContactJessica Humphrey  Siemens Smart Infrastructure+44 7921 728517 [email protected] SiemensGet in touchFollow our global channels Follow Change region Global | English

  • Siemens unveils innovative motor management system for industrial switchboards
    by [email protected] on 16/10/2024 at 07:18

    Siemens unveils innovative motor management system for industrial switchboardsadam.urbanek@s…Wed, 10/16/2024 - 07:18 Please use another Browser It looks like you are using a browser that is not fully supported. Please note that there might be constraints on site display and usability. For the best experience we suggest that you download the newest version of a supported browser: Internet Explorer, Chrome Browser, Firefox Browser, Safari BrowserContinue with the current browserPlease allow JavaScriptThis page requires JavaScript in order to be fully functional and displayed correctly. Please enable JavaScript and reload the site. How to enable JavaScript Press Release21 October 2024Smart InfrastructureZug, Switzerland Siemens unveils innovative motor management system for industrial switchboards Optimized use of space in withdrawable designs Reduction of installation expenses Innovative Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) communication physics optimized for withdrawable design Scalable functionality thanks to licensable device features Siemens has launched SIMOCODE M-CP, an efficient and future-proof motor management product series, especially tailored for motor control centers (MCC). The new product series complements the existing SIMOCODE portfolio and is designed to optimally meet the requirements of motor control centers. SIMOCODE M-CP introduces a new standard in the industry with its compact design, advanced functionality, and compatibility with Ethernet-based communication. In the future, SIMOCODE M-CP can be adapted to different operational requirements by purchasing licenses that enable additional functions depending on the application. Motor control centers are designed to efficiently distribute power to motors, enable precise control and monitoring, and offer protection against overloads, short circuits, and other electrical faults. The industries in which motor control centers are used range from chemicals, tunnels and infrastructure, pulp and paper, mining and steel to water and wastewater. Optimized use of space in withdrawable designs Reduction of installation expenses Innovative Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) communication physics optimized for withdrawable design Scalable functionality thanks to licensable device features Siemens has launched SIMOCODE M-CP, an efficient and future-proof motor management product series, especially tailored for motor control centers (MCC). The new product series complements the existing SIMOCODE portfolio and is designed to optimally meet the requirements of motor control centers. SIMOCODE M-CP introduces a new standard in the industry with its compact design, advanced functionality, and compatibility with Ethernet-based communication. In the future, SIMOCODE M-CP can be adapted to different operational requirements by purchasing licenses that enable additional functions depending on the application. Motor control centers are designed to efficiently distribute power to motors, enable precise control and monitoring, and offer protection against overloads, short circuits, and other electrical faults. The industries in which motor control centers are used range from chemicals, tunnels and infrastructure, pulp and paper, mining and steel to water and wastewater. SIMOCODE M-CPSpace-saving and flexible installation The new SIMOCODE M-CP is optimized for withdrawable units in switchboards. With the ability to choose between front panel mounting and mounting on a DIN rail, this versatile device allows for optimizing space and reducing installation expense. More integrated functions in the basic unit ensure less variance. Six digital inputs and four relay outputs eliminate the need for additional modules.  Advanced communication with Single Pair Ethernet To enable fast and reliable data transmission, SIMOCODE M-CP uses Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) technology. This new bus physics ensures uninterrupted Ethernet communication and fulfills the needs of switchboard operations, while reducing wiring complexity with its thin, two-core cables. Communication in the withdrawable unit is enabled via just two wires.  Future-proof technology with reloadable and licensable functions In the future, SIMOCODE M-CP can be adapted to different operational requirements by purchasing licenses that enable additional functions depending on the application. This reduces the need for purchasing and installing separate products and makes the system future-proof. One example is the integration of condition monitoring directly into the motor management system. This eliminates the need for separate sensors. Key parameters can now be monitored using the motor along with current and voltage measurement modules, simplifying the setup. By purchasing a license, users can activate the provision of data through SIMOCODE M-CP for advanced features for motor current signature analyses (MCSA) or the employment of AI for detecting anomalies and damages in motors and machines, streamlining the process and improving reliability.  SIMOCODE M-CP in the withdrawable unitBuilt-in sustainability Besides using recycled materials for production and packaging, the high quality of the products pays off with a long service life. With its multitude of diagnostic functions, SIMOCODE M-CP can help increase system availability and extend the service life of motors by providing early warnings in the event of irregularities. Long-term firmware updates also help ensure that SIMOCODE M-CP remains functional and up to date for years to come. For this press release PDF DownloadLinks SIMOCODE Siemens Smart InfrastructureFollow us on X @siemens_press @siemensinfra Siemens Smart Infrastructure (SI) is shaping the market for intelligent, adaptive infrastructure for today and the future. It addresses the pressing challenges of urbanization and climate change by connecting energy systems, buildings, and industries. SI provides customers with a comprehensive end-to-end portfolio from a single source – with products, systems, solutions, and services from the point of power generation all the way to consumption. With an increasingly digitalized ecosystem, it helps customers thrive and communities progress while contributing toward protecting the planet. Siemens Smart Infrastructure has its global headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. As of September 30, 2023, the business had around 75,000 employees worldwide. Read more Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a leading technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, mobility, and healthcare. The company’s purpose is to create technology to transform the everyday, for everyone. By combining the real and the digital worlds, Siemens empowers customers to accelerate their digital and sustainability transformations, making factories more efficient, cities more livable, and transportation more sustainable. Siemens also owns a majority stake in the publicly listed company, Siemens Healthineers, a leading global medical technology provider shaping the future of healthcare. In fiscal 2023, which ended on September 30, 2023, the Siemens Group generated revenue of €74.9 billion and net income of €8.5 billion. As of September 30, 2023, the company employed around 305,000 people worldwide on the basis of continuing operations. Further information is available on the Internet at Read moreReference Number: ContactChristian S. Wilson  Siemens Smart Infrastructure+49 172 138 5608 [email protected] SiemensGet in touchFollow our global channels Follow Change region Global | English

  • Siemens launches intelligent link module to boost industrial automation data transparency
    by [email protected] on 15/10/2024 at 05:15

    Siemens launches intelligent link module to boost industrial automation data transparencythomas.kuhnlei…Tue, 10/15/2024 - 05:15 Please use another Browser It looks like you are using a browser that is not fully supported. Please note that there might be constraints on site display and usability. For the best experience we suggest that you download the newest version of a supported browser: Internet Explorer, Chrome Browser, Firefox Browser, Safari BrowserContinue with the current browserPlease allow JavaScriptThis page requires JavaScript in order to be fully functional and displayed correctly. Please enable JavaScript and reload the site. How to enable JavaScript Press Release17 October 2024Smart InfrastructureZug, Switzerland Siemens launches intelligent link module to boost industrial automation data transparency Complete data transparency down to the field level Field-level load feeders are seamlessly integrated into the automation system Detection of faults, deviations, and maintenance requirements facilitates diagnosis and enables preventive maintenance With the SIRIUS 3RC7 intelligent link module, Siemens now offers a quick and easy way to gain complete data transparency down to the field level. The plug-and-play expansion module combines information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) with minimal installation and commissioning effort. This means that the data available at the load feeders can be used efficiently. As part of the leading automation concept Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) from Siemens, the SIRIUS 3RC7 intelligent link modules are seamlessly integrated into the existing automation environment. SIRIUS 3RC7 is part of the SIRIUS modular system, the comprehensive portfolio for industrial controls. Complete data transparency down to the field level Field-level load feeders are seamlessly integrated into the automation system Detection of faults, deviations, and maintenance requirements facilitates diagnosis and enables preventive maintenance With the SIRIUS 3RC7 intelligent link module, Siemens now offers a quick and easy way to gain complete data transparency down to the field level. The plug-and-play expansion module combines information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) with minimal installation and commissioning effort. This means that the data available at the load feeders can be used efficiently. As part of the leading automation concept Totally Integrated Automation (TIA) from Siemens, the SIRIUS 3RC7 intelligent link modules are seamlessly integrated into the existing automation environment. SIRIUS 3RC7 is part of the SIRIUS modular system, the comprehensive portfolio for industrial controls. SIRIUS 3RC7 Intelligent Link Modules“Transparency down to field level is becoming increasingly important. However, many devices are not connected to the automation system, which means important data is missing. By digitalizing the field level, we are creating a new dimension of transparency and enabling data-driven decisions,” said Andreas Matthé, CEO of Electrical Products at Siemens Smart Infrastructure.A variety of load feeder parameters can be collected and evaluated directly, including voltage, current, phase imbalance, number of overload trips, and much more. The integrated diagnostic functions help detect and correct faults more quickly. Among other things, the data can be used for Senseye Predictive Maintenance, Siemens’ comprehensive solution for predictive maintenance. It uses artificial intelligence, for example to examine current fluctuations for anomalies that indicate a defect. This significantly increases the planning reliability for maintenance, availability, and cost-effectiveness of the system.Thanks to full integration in TIA, users receive up-to-date status information in their operating software. In addition, when using special apps such as Node-RED, they have access to a dashboard to quickly identify bottlenecks. This prevents downtime and increases the availability of the system.The SIRIUS 3RC7 intelligent link modules integrate perfectly into the compact SIMATIC ET 200SP I/O system as well as any other common automation system. Up to 16 load feeders can be connected per BA-Send module bus adapter in order to benefit from the simple commissioning, individual scalability, and maximum flexibility offered by the SIMATIC ET 200SP.In conjunction with SIRIUS switchgear and the compact SIMATIC ET 200SP I/O system for control cabinets, SIRIUS 3RC7 intelligent link modules ensure reliable and efficient data exchange between OT and IT. The addition of the new SIRIUS 3RC7 intelligent link module to the existing SIRIUS portfolio (modular system) has created a new, enhanced product: the SIRIUS Intelligent Load Feeder. The SIRIUS Intelligent Load Feeder is a pre-assembled digital feeder consisting of a SIRIUS 3RV2 circuit breaker, a SIRIUS 3RT2 contactor, and the intelligent link module. SIRIUS 3RC7 Intelligent Link Modules combined with SIMATIC ET 200SP SIRIUS 3RC7 Intelligent Link Modules in the cabinetFor this press release PDF DownloadLinks Siemens Smart Infrastructure SIRIUS 3RC7Follow us on X @siemens_press @siemensinfraSiemens Smart Infrastructure (SI) is shaping the market for intelligent, adaptive infrastructure for today and the future. It addresses the pressing challenges of urbanization and climate change by connecting energy systems, buildings, and industries. SI provides customers with a comprehensive end-to-end portfolio from a single source – with products, systems, solutions, and services from the point of power generation all the way to consumption. With an increasingly digitalized ecosystem, it helps customers thrive and communities progress while contributing toward protecting the planet. Siemens Smart Infrastructure has its global headquarters in Zug, Switzerland. As of September 30, 2023, the business had around 75,000 employees worldwide.  Read moreSiemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a leading technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, mobility, and healthcare. The company’s purpose is to create technology to transform the everyday, for everyone. By combining the real and the digital worlds, Siemens empowers customers to accelerate their digital and sustainability transformations, making factories more efficient, cities more livable, and transportation more sustainable. Siemens also owns a majority stake in the publicly listed company, Siemens Healthineers, a leading global medical technology provider shaping the future of healthcare. In fiscal 2023, which ended on September 30, 2023, the Siemens Group generated revenue of €74.9 billion and net income of €8.5 billion. As of September 30, 2023, the company employed around 305,000 people worldwide on the basis of continuing operations. Further information is available on the Internet at Read moreReference Number: ContactChristian S. Wilson Siemens Smart Infrastructure+49 172 138 5608 [email protected] SiemensGet in touchFollow our global channels Follow Change region Global | English

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