_Super categories


Robot or cobot: The five key differences

Cobots are on the rise. How do they differ from conventional industrial robots?

The concept for cobots (collaborative robots) was born in 1995 as part of a research project spearheaded by the General Motors Foundation. The idea was to make robots so safe that they could literally work hand in hand with people. Now, twenty years later, cobots have found a place on many factory floors – and also in public awareness. And yet many don’t really understand how cobots are different from robots.


Uber Elevate team plans to add flying taxis to UBER’s on-demand transport mix

Every day, millions of hours are wasted on the road worldwide. Last year, the average San Francisco resident spent 230 hours commuting between work and home1—that’s half a million hours of productivity lost every single day. In Los Angeles and Sydney, residents spend seven1 whole working weeks each year commuting, two of which are wasted unproductively stuck in gridlock2. In many global megacities, the problem is more severe: the average commute in Mumbai3 exceeds a staggering 90 minutes. For all of us, that’s less time with family, less time at work growing our economies, more money spent on fuel—and a marked increase in our stress levels: a study in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine , for example, found that those who commute more than 10 miles were at increased odds of elevated blood pressure4.


Atletico Madrid stadium enlighted by Philips

Philips Lighting, global leader in Lighting, and Atletico Madrid announced today an agreement to supply the lighting of the club’s new stadium. Philips Lighting becomes Atletico Madrid’s official lighting partner for the next four seasons where the new stadium will be the first in the world to benefit from Philips ArenaExperience.